
Correlates of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration in Teaching Secondary School Subjects  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Arts in Education
Institution / University: Bulacan State University, Philippines
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The study focused on the relationship among teachers’ characteristics, availability of computer for classroom use, and the extent of integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching secondary school subjects in the Division of Bulacan within the school year 2010 to 2011. This research sought answers to the following questions: (1) What are the characteristics of the teachers in terms of age, sex, years of teaching experience, highest educational attainment, computer trainings and seminars attended, attitudes towards ICT integration, level of computer competence, and computer access? (2) What is the level of availability of computer for classroom use in terms of teacher-computer ratio, student-computer ratio, and Internet access? (3) What is the extent of integration of ICT in teaching in terms of frequency of computer use, and types of ICT materials? (4) Are there significant relationships between characteristics of teachers, level of availability of computer for classroom use and the extent of integration of ICT in teaching various subjects? Descriptive method was used to describe the characteristics of teacher respondents in terms of age, sex, years of teaching experience, highest educational attainment, computer training and seminars attended, level of computer competence, attitudes toward computer, and computer access; Level of computer availability in terms of teacher-computer ratio, student-computer ratio, and internet access; and extent of ICT integration in terms of frequency of computer use and types of ICT materials. The sample population consists of 300 secondary school teachers randomly selected from 6 different public secondary high schools in the Division of Bulacan. The instrument used in this study was adopted from the previous research about teachers’ attitude towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Mean, frequency counts, and descriptive statistics was utilized to describe the characteristics of teachers, level of availability of computer for classroom use and the extent of ICT integration in teaching. Pearson correlation was used to answer the general problem of this study.

The study found out that teacher respondents have an average attitude toward computer. Teachers also reported developing level of computer competence. Significant relationships exist among teachers’ characteristics in terms of age, years of teaching experience, computer training, attitude toward computer, computer competence, computer access, teacher-computer ratio, student-computer ratio and the extent of ICT integration in terms of frequency of computer use and types of materials used.

Based on the findings, it was recommended that Deped administrators should include the computer proficiency as one of the criteria during the selection of teacher applicants and should maintain the positive attitude and enhance the competence of the teacher through various seminars on computer literacy and especially on ICT integration. Another level of study should be conducted. The extent of ICT integration individually per subject area should be included to find out which among the subject areas integrates in high level and which is not, and find out the performance of students.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Information and Communication Technology, ICT, Education

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Tolentino, R. P. G. (2011). Correlates of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration in Teaching Secondary School Subjects. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Bulacan State University. Philippines

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Rico Paulo Tolentino from Philippines on 17-Aug-2015 04:33.
Abstract has been viewed 5024 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Rico Paulo Tolentino Contact Details: Email: rico.tolentino@deped.gov.ph

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