El Efecto De Un Módulo Multimedio Interactivo En El Nivel De Conocimiento De Estudiantes Universitarios Sobre Las Enfermedades De Transmisión Sexual
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: EdD
Institution / University: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, United States
Published in: 2005
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of an interactive multimedia module in the level of knowledge of college students on basic concepts of sexually transmitted diseases. The research design was quasi-experimental, pre and post test groups for availability. For this purpose it was constructed and validated an interactive multimedia content included in its fundamental concepts of STDs module. The aim of the module was to provide basic information on sexually transmitted diseases and expand the level of student knowledge about these diseases. Thirty-six students took a pre-test of general knowledge about these diseases. A group of students took the unit STDs in the traditional way, with the teacher in the classroom. The other group took the unit STDs through interactive multimedia module. After the unit, students took a test post that included the same items from the pre test. The results of the pre and post test were subjected to statistical tests. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that there were statistically significant (t = 4.204, df = 34, p <.001) in the level of students' knowledge about STDs before taking the drive through the traditional method or interactive multimedia module. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that there was no statistically significant difference (t = -.051, df = 34, p = 0.960) in the level of students' knowledge about STDs after taking the drive through the traditional or interactive multimedia module. However, when analyzing the descriptive statistics further increase was found in gain knowledge of experimental group compared with the control group. The experimental group obtained a gain of knowledge of 15% while the control group had a knowledge gain of 5%. After analyzing the results, we conclude that intervention through interactive multimedia module achieved a significant level of knowledge of university students about sexually transmitted diseases increase.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
enfermedades de transmision sexual, modulo, multimedia, multimedia, interactivo
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Martinez Falcon,
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Yolanda Martinez from United States on 24-Feb-2015 00:32.
Abstract has been viewed 2253 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Yolanda Martinez Contact Details: Email: ymartinezfalcon@gmail.com
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