
Study Of The Cerebral Activity Modulation Due To The Radiation Produced By A Commercial Mobile Phone Conducted Using Eeg-tms  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Major's degree
Institution / University: Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The diffusion of technological devices poses the problem of their impact on both human health and behaviour. In particular, it has been much debated in the scientific community what impact electromagnetic radiation fields emitted by cell phones may have on the users of such devices. In order to archive such an evaluation, the current work has been developed in collaboration with the Neurology department of the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome. The aim of this work was to assess whether the radiation produced by a commercial mobile phone (GSM) have an effect on a population of healthy, over 45 years old individuals. In particular, great care was taken to analyse the modulations of excitability measured after the electromagnetic field exposure.
Methods: the study was conducted using EEG-TMS. The data provided by the group of Neurology have been pre-processed for each subject (filtering, segmentation, baseline correction, artefacts removal, re-referencing and averaging) and afterwards analyzed by subject; the analysis has been overseen by an expert, for the extraction of features of interest on which to conduct the statistical study (i.e. the identification of peaks and latencies of interest). The standard data processing has been integrated with other software developed as original contribution of this thesis. Eventually the features were analyzed using a statistical model.
Since there was evidence of significant effects on the response modulation, to further support the results, the inversion software sLoreta has been used for analysing the modulation of the current density in the cortex. Also in this case a modulation effect has been found.
Results: an effect produced by exposure of healthy subjects to electromagnetic fields from mobile devices has been identified. Currently, the clinical/physiological interpretation of observed modulations are being discussed by the aforementioned Neurology department.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
EEG-TMS, brain signal processing, electromagnetic radiation impact, latency, P30, eeglab, matlab, sLoreta, test Anova, test post hoc

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Thesis Images:
Engineering - Study Of The Cerebral Activity Modulation Due To The Radiation Produced By A Commercial Mobile Phone Conducted Using Eeg-tms Topoplot of some of the results
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Cristina Zappullo from United Kingdom on 09-Jan-2015 00:58.
Abstract has been viewed 3069 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Cristina Zappullo Contact Details: Email: cristina.zap@libero.it Phone: +393381929546

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