
Instructional Facilities And Academic Achievement Of Students Of Bachelor Of Science In Biology Of Romblon State University.  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Ms Ag
Institution / University: Romblon State University, Philippines
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This study assessed the relationship of instructional facilities and academic achievement of students of Bachelor of Science in Biology of Romblon State University during the school year 2011-2012.

The descriptive-correlation  method of research was used employing the survey technique. The questionnaires are the primary data gathering instrument and the records of grades of the BS Biology students.

The respondents of this study were twenty five (25) fourth year BS Biology students , thirty (30) third year BS Biology students and twenty five (25) second year BS Biology students.

This study answered the questions based on the respondents' perception towards the status and adequacy of the instructional facilities in terms of library, laboratory and classroom and the significant relationship of instructional facilities and academic achievement of BS Biology students.

The statistical tools used to analyze the data were percentage, weighted mean and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.

The findings of the study revealed that; the academic achievement of the students of Bachelor of Science in Biology from first semester to second semester of the school year 2010-2011 demonstrated a gradual increase and it says in an "average" level having a mean of 2.19. Most of the respondents have positive perception towards the status of the library facilities with an overall perception of 3.06. As to the status of the laboratory facilities , the respondents showed wholesome perception towards their facilities with an overall perception of 2.94. In terms of the condition of the classroom facilities, respondents agreed that facilities are sufficient to accommodate their needs and has an overall perception of 2.97. Respondents perceived library facilities as adequate with an overall perception of 3.26. When it comes to the adequacy of the laboratory facilities for basic education subjects, respondents believed that facilities are adequate which has an overall perception of 3.25. As to the adequacy of laboratory facilities for major subjects, respondents identified that the facilities are inadequate with an overall perception 2.00. Regarding the adequacy of classroom facilities, respondents perceived the facilities as adequate which has an overall perception of 3.20. The perception of the respondents towards the status of the laboratory facilities showed that there is a significant relationship to their academic achievement. the status of the library facilities and classroom facilities were not significantly related to the academic acheivement of the BS Biology students as well as the adequacy of the instructional facilities.

Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn; Most BS Biology students have an academic acheivement of "average" level from the first semester to second semester. The status of the library and classroom were enough to give the requirements of the students while the status of the laboratory facilities was not sufficient to meet the needs of the students. The adequacy of instructional facilities such as library, laboratory and classroom were satisfactory to suffice the basic needs of the students. Laboratory facilities were significantly related to the academic acheivements of BS Biology students, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Library and classroom facilities showed no signicant relationship to the BS Biology students' academic performance; therefore, the null hypothesis are accepted.

The study recommended the following; Teachers should exert more effort in order to boost the academic acheivement of the students. They should provide modern technologies and practice modern trends of teaching in order for the students to be more interested in the class and develop scientific awareness. BS Biology students should be provided with better and modern instructional facilities especially those for laboratory to supplement their needs and hunger for knowledge. School administrators should build up a more approachable operational plans and programs towards the attainment of BS Biology students' good academic performance in order for them to be globally competitive when they graduated and face the world with equipped scientific knowledge and approach. Similar studies should be conducted in other courses offered at Romblon State University.


Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Facilities, academic achievement, students

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Manuel F. Faminial, MS Ag, April Joy A. Fabella, Janine May D. Garcia. (2012). Instructional Facilities and Academic Acheivement of Students of Bachelor of Science in Biology of Romblon State University

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Manuel F. Faminial & et al. from Philippines on 16-Aug-2013 06:23.
Abstract has been viewed 4065 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

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