
Teaching Methodologies Employed In The Teacher Education Programs  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Arts in Education Major in Administration ans Supervision
Institution / University: DEBESMSCAT, Philippines
Published in: 2012

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The study focused on the teaching methodologies employed by the DEBESMSCAT instructors teaching in the TEI programs. It wanted to get the extent of preference of the Instructors and the students on the methodologies used in the teaching of General Education, Professional Education, and Field of Specialization subjects.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

What is the profile of the instructors teaching the TEI programs in terms of a. Educational attainment, b. Number of years in teaching, c. Age, d. Gender, and e. Eligibility?

What are the teaching methodologies employed and the extent of preference of their use by the instructors in the teaching of a. General Education, b. Professional Education, and c. Field of specialization?

What are the teaching methodologies employed by the instructors and the extent of preference by the students in the teaching of a. General Education, b. Professional Education, and c. Field of specialization?

Is there a significant difference on the preferences of the instructors and students on the methodologies employed in the teaching of a. General Education, b. Professional Education, and c. Field of specialization?

The researcher made use of the descriptive-survey method of research. The respondents were the 28 instructors teaching in the TEI programs and the 250 TEI students. The instrument used was the formulated and approved questionnaire-checklist distributed to the respondents. The statistical tools used were the Slovin’s formula, Frequency Distribution, Simple Percentage, Likert Scale, Ranking Order, and T- Test for correlated samples.

Based on the data analyzed and interpreted, the following findings were deduced:

The instructor teaching in the Teacher Education programs varied in profile. Majority of them are baccalaureate degree holders. Few are Masters Degree holders and Doctorate Degree holders. As to the number of years in teaching, most instructors have rendered only from one to five years of service. Most of the instructors are still young. As to the gender profile, there are twenty-two female instructors and only six male instructors. Concerning eligibility, there are eight instructors having an eligibility of Licensure Examination for Teachers and six are having an eligibility of Professional Board Examination for Teachers.

As to the teaching methodologies employed in teaching General Education Subjects, instructors prefer “Chalk-and-talk” and Discussion methods. On the other hand, Activity method was most preferred by the students. As to the extent of preference of their use by the instructors, and the extent of preference by students to the methodologies used in the teaching of General Education subjects, Discussion Method, Inductive method, Lecture method, Debate, Reporting method, Written and Oral examination and “Chalk and Talk” Method are identified as “Very Much Preferred.” On the other hand, Discussion method, Lecture method, Reporting, Activity Method, Film showing, Project method, Question and Answer method, Research study method, and Problem solving method were identified as “Very Much Preferred” by the students.

On the teaching Methodology employed in teaching the Professional Education subjects Discussion Method, Reporting method, and Question and answer method were most preferred by the instructors. On the hand, Activity Method obtained the highest number of responses, which is most preferred by the students. As to the extent of preference of their use by the instructors Discussion Method, Question and answer method, written and Oral examination method, Deductive method, Demonstration and Observation method, Project method, Brainstorming, Type study method, and Reporting Method were identified as “Very Much Preferred.” On the other hand, Discussion method, Lecture method, Reporting method, Activity Method, Question and Answer method were interpreted as “Much Preferred” by the students in the teaching of Professional Education subject.

On the teaching Methodology employed in teaching the Field of Specialization subjects Film showing, Activity method and Lecture Method were most preferred by the instructors. On the hand, Activity Method and Lecture Method obtained the highest number of responses, which are most preferred by the students. As to the extent of preference of their use by the instructors Film showing, Activity method, Written and Oral examination and Lecture method were identified as “Preferred.” On the other hand, Discussion Method, Lecture method, and Activity method were interpreted as “Very Much Preferred” by the students in the teaching of Professional Education subject.

The Test of Significant difference on the preference of methods employed by the instructors teaching in the Teacher Education Programs and the extent of preference of the students in the use of such methods is rejected. It is rejected because from the computations of the variables in the Computed Value is greater than the Tabulated Value.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

As to the profile along Educational Attainment of the instructors teaching in the Teacher Education program, majority of the instructors are baccalaureate degree holder. In terms of number of year in the service, most of the instructors teaching in the Teacher Education programs are new in the service. In terms of age profile, most of the respondents are still young. In terms of gender profile, females dominated the males. Along eligibility, instructors teaching in the Teacher Education programs have an appropriate eligibility in teaching.

The instructors and students preferences coincide in the Discussion method, Lecture method and Reporting method employed in the teaching of General Education subjects.

In the teaching of Professional Education subjects the identified methodologies, which are discussion method, Question and Answer method, and Reporting Method obtained the highest number of preferences by the instructors. On the other hand, Activity method was identified as the most preferred method by the students. As to the extent of preference of their used by the instructors and the extent of preference by the students in the teaching of Professional Education subjects, the preferred methodologies, which are Discussion method, Reporting method, and Question and Answer method are also preferred by the students.

In the teaching of the Field of Specialization subjects the identified methodology, which are Lecture method, film showing, and Activity method obtained the highest number of preferences by the instructors. On the other hand, Activity method and Lecture method were identified as the most preferred method by the students. The identified methodologies of the instructors in teaching the Field of Specialization, Activity method and Lecture method as identified by the instructor match the students’ preference. As to the extent of preference of their use, the instructors’ preference of the identified methodologies and the students’ preference have matched.

Based from the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations were formulated:

The instructors who are baccalaureate degree holders teaching in the Teacher Education Programs must pursue graduate studies.

Instructors teaching in the TEI programs should look into the findings of this study to enhance the methods of teaching so as to match the preference of the students in order to produce better results.

Further study concerning teaching methodologies may be conducted to substantiate the findings of the current study.

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Education - Teaching Methodologies Employed In The Teacher Education Programs Samson Capinig
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Samson Capinig from Philippines on 22-Jun-2013 09:24.
Abstract has been viewed 4315 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Samson Capinig Contact Details: Email: www.capinig-samson@yahoo.com Phone: 09106612333

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