
Design & Analysis Of Yagi-uda Antenna, Array Antenna’s And Determination Of Food Adulteration By Antenna  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: M.Tech
Institution / University: MITS,Gwalior, India
Published in: 2012

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:
The main objectives of this thesis “DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF YAGI-UDA ANTENNA, ARRAY ANTENNA’S AND DITERMINATION OF FOOD ADULTERATION BY ANTENNA” is to fabricate array antennas ,investigated their performance with different dielectric material like water, salty water, diesel oil, mustered oil etc. ,and  use these analysis to improve the performance  of these array antennas system.

Basically array antenna is use for achieve high gain. For this thesis yagi-uda antennas is designed at 1 and 2GHz and compare their performance with different shapes of element, also proposed a Multiband yagi-uda radiator with 16- elements. In spite of that one arm Archimedean Spiral and Helix antenna have also designed with different metals with different configuration. The radiation characteristics such that return loss and radiation pattern were also evaluated for proposed antennas.

An another application of monopole antenna is discussed in “DETERMINATION OF FOOD ADULTERATION BY MONOPOLE ANTENNA”, in which an monopole antenna is investigated to sense the impurity in given liquid .And on the basis of difference in return loss characteristics of monopole antenna this work has been done.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Antenna and their characteristics

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Gulshan Sharma from India on 13-Oct-2012 21:55.
Abstract has been viewed 3719 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Gulshan Sharma Contact Details: Email: gulshan087@gmail.com Phone: 9584198437

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