
The Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Coastal Management  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: M.Sc. Biology
Institution / University: University of Malta, Malta
Published in: 2003

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Malta, being an island-state, requires good management of its environmental resources in order to ensure socio-economic success. The coastal zone is threatened by a number of marine pollution hazards, which may be associated with a range of coastal activities. Eutrophication is a common problem in nutrient enriched coastal waters and therefore investigating primary productivity (chlorophyll a concentration) as an index of eutrophication could identify the coastal areas which are at risk.

The objectives of this study were to produce chlorophyll a colour-coded maps from Landsat satellite imagery and marine data measurements, observe any patterns of low or high concentrations and investigate the possible cause of these patterns using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Any seasonal variations in chlorophyll levels were also investigated.

Chlorophyll a maps for the whole of the Maltese Islands inshore waters (8th June 1997 and 4th March 2000) were produced and these maps were divided into ten sections for further investigation. No eutrophication conditions were detected in the summer scene while the winter scene proved to be more susceptible to eutrophication. The bathymetry of the coast seemed to have influenced the chlorophyll a values that were detected by the GIS tools. GIS did not provide any evidence that land-based sources such as reverse osmosis plants or sewage outfalls contribute to any rise or abnormal growth in the chlorophyll levels.

The techniques used in this study proved to be an important method to detect chlorophyll patterns in the Central Mediterranean around the Maltese Islands. GIS helped to identify particular coastal zones that required further investigation due to patterns created by low or high concentrations.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
GIS, remote sensing, coastal management, chlorophyll, eutrophication

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Micallef, N. (2003), The Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Coastal Management, Unpublished M.Sc. Dissertation, September 2003, Department of Biology, University of Malta

Thesis Images:
Science - The Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Coastal Management Reclassified colour-coded chlorophyll a map - June 1997
(click to enlarge)

Science - The Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Coastal Management Reclassified colour-coded chlorophyll a map - March 2000
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Neville Micallef from Malta on 19-Mar-2004 16:26.
Abstract has been viewed 4098 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Neville Micallef Contact Details: Email: info@nmgroup.biz

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