
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Amongst Student Teachers  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: M.Ed.
Institution / University: SMT. V.B.NANDOLA M.ED. COLLEGE, BHACHA, UNA., India
Published in: 2010

Paper Abstract / Summary:


Cooperative learning is in many ways a more effective learning method than individual and competitive learning. In this study, the effects of cooperative learning of the student teachers of secondary education institutions was measured. For this purpose, 342 student teachers were selected by random sampling method. To explore the cooperative learning of student teachers a Cooperative Learning Scale was developed. The results of the research showed that there was significant difference between cooperative learning of student teachers with respect to gender and college type.Where as there was no significant difference between cooperative learning of student teachers with respect to area of college.

Objectives of the Study

1. To explore the cooperative learning amongst student teachers of secondary teacher education institution.

 2. To determine the reliability and validity scores of Cooperative Learning Scale.

3. To explore the cooperative learning of student teachers of secondary teacher education institution with respect to their gender, type and area of college.

Population and Sample

In the present study secondary teacher education institution of Junagadh district affiliated to Saurashtra University were included as the universe of the study. By stratified random sampling method four secondary teacher education institution were selected. From these secondary teacher education institution by purposive sampling method 342 student teacher of the academic year 2009-10 were selected as the sample.

Research Tool

The required data was collected with the help of Cooperative Learning Scale. The research tool was constructed by the researcher in Gujarati Language. It consists of 45 statements. The Cooperative Learning Scale was developed with few elements given by Johnson and Johnson (1999) such as positive interdependence, promotive face-to-face interaction, individual accountability, social skills and group processing. Each statement of the Cooperative Learning Scale had five point scale, i.e. complete agree, agree, neutral, disagree and complete disagree. The ranking for the statements were 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. All the statements of the Cooperative Learning Scale were positive. The Reliability score of Cooperative Learning Scale as per Cronbach Alpha Index was 0.94 where as with the help of Spearman Brown formulae Split half (half test) was 0.92 and Split half (whole test) was 0.96. The Validity score of Cooperative Learning Scale by Cliffs’ Consistency Indice ‘C’ was 0.46.

Data Collection and its analysis

In the present study the researcher had gone to the secondary teacher education institution after taking prior permission of the principals of secondary teacher education institutions for administering the Cooperative Learning Scale. The data was collected from the student teachers of secondary teacher education institution of the academic year 2009-10. Based on the response of the student teachers of secondary teacher education institution on Cooperative Learning Scale the obtained scores was calculated. Statistical calculation such as frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation was calculated. Item analysis was done with the help of computer programme NRT 2000. Where as hypotheses was checked with the help of computer programme SPSS.

Findings of the study

1. The Reliability score of Cooperative Learning Scale as per Cronbach Alpha Index was 0.94 where as with the help of Spearman Brown formulae Split half (half test) was 0.92 and Split half (whole test) was 0.96. The Validity score of Cooperative Learning Scale by Cliffs’ Consistency Indice ‘C’ was 0.46.

2. The mean value of scores obtained by male and female student teachers of secondary teacher education institution on Cooperative Learning Scale with reference to ‘t’ value was 3.348. Significant difference at 0.05 level was found. The mean scores on Cooperative Learning Scale of male and female student teachers were 107.31 and 103.78 respectively. Therefore, it can be said that the cooperative learning of male student teachers was higher than that of female student teachers.

3. The mean value of scores obtained by student teachers of granted and non-granted secondary teacher education institution on Cooperative Learning Scale with reference to ‘t’ value was 4.088. Significant difference at 0.05 level was found. The mean scores on Cooperative Learning Scale of student teachers of granted and non-granted secondary teacher education institution were 105.41 and 110.64 respectively. Therefore, it can be said that the cooperative learning of student teachers of non-granted secondary teacher education institution was higher than that of student teachers of granted secondary teacher education institution.

4. The mean value of scores obtained by student teachers of urban and rural secondary teacher education institution on Cooperative Learning Scale with reference to ‘t’ value was 0.506. No significant difference at 0.05 level was found.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Cooperative Learning, Student Teachers

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by heena pandhi from India on 26-Sep-2010 10:07.
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