Exact Sequence Computing with DNA Sequences
Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ph.D
Institution / University: Bharathiar University, India
Published in: 2010
This work enlightens the present and future research aspects of Exact Sequence Computing with DNA Sequences. DNA computing is a form of computing which is a fast developing research area. In this research work, the first process is to take the different samples of DNA for comparison and computing has been done systematically. After analyzing with various algorithms the newly found sequence matching algorithm in DNA sequencing works better. This algorithm works similar to Boyer-Moore algorithm, which is one of the fast string matching algorithms. However, in this work the difference remains only in searching phase of single direction with short length pattern. Further research is for planning to extend the length of the pattern and searching phase in all directions. The speed of the algorithm depends on the length of the pattern which works better when the length is too long.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
DNA Samples, Designing of DNA sequences, Matching patterns, Pixel colors
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Kanchana Natarajan from India on 13-Aug-2010 04:17.
Abstract has been viewed 3045 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Kanchana Natarajan Contact Details: Email: kanch.4486@gmail.com
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