
Genetic Realtion of Fitness Triats with AFC and Milk Yield  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Animal Genetics and Breeding
Institution / University: National Dairy Research Institute, India
Published in: 2005

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The present investigation was undertaken on 533 Murrah buffaloes maintained at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, spread over a period of 20 years born during 1980 to 1999. A total of 1667 lactation records of 533 buffaloes were analyzed for the present investigation.

The average values of abnormal births, sex ratio, mortality and culling of female calves up to age at first calving were found to be 5.45, 51.39, 30.28 and 20.11 per cent, respectively. The replacement rate on female calf basis and on total calf basis was estimated as 49.60 and 24.11 percent, respectively. More than one half of total female calves were lost from the herd till they attained the age at first calving due to death and culling. Only one fourth of the total birth turned into replacement heifers. Period of calving had highly significant effect on mortality and significant effect on replacement rate.

The effect of season and parity were found to be non-significant on all the components of replacement rate and replacement rate on both bases except on culling, where significant effect of parity and highly significant effect of season was observed.

The mortality and culling per lactation in adult cows averaged 5.60 and 27.55 percent, respectively with highly significant differences among lactations. The average annual loss of buffaloes was 13.28 percent. The overall replacement index was 1.04 indicating that the herd size was constant.

The average longevity and productive herd life were observed to be 1297 ± 147.15 and 2735.04 ± 147.30 days, respectively. The average number of total calves, total female calves and total replacement daughters from each cow produced on an average were 3.04 ± 0.31, 2.01 ± 0.26 and 1.35 ± 0.18, respectively. The coefficient of gene replication was observed to be 0.68 ± 0.09, which showed that each cow replaced herself. FLMY groups had highly significant effect on PHL and longevity. Whereas significant effect of FLMY group was observed on total calves born. The effect of period and AFC groups were non-significant on PHL, longevity and all the components of selective value.

The effect of sire was found to be non-significant on PHL, longevity and all the components of selective value. The heritability estimates of these traits were 0.16 ± 0.02, 0.096 ± 0.06, 0.12 ± 0.06, 0.02 ± 0.07 and –0.09 ± 0.13, respectively. The sire had non-significant effect on all the component of replacement rate except mortality of female calves up to AFC in which highly significant effect of sire was observed. Sire had highly significant effect on replacement rate on total calf basis and significant effect on female calf basis. The heritability estimates of the replacement rate and its components were very low as 0.04, 0.04, 0.12, 0.01, 0.09 and 0.08 for abnormal births, sex ratio, mortality, culling, and replacement rate on both the basis respectively. The repeatability estimates of abnormal births and sex ratio were also very low being 0.236 and –0.327, respectively.

The rank correlation between selective value and breeding values of sires for AFC, 305 DFLMY and Total FLMY was calculated. It was found that the ranking for selective value and above discussed production traits was inconsistent. Whereas the ranks for all production traits except for AFC (D) was consistent and will have similar response after selection.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Selective Value, Replacement Rate, Murrah Buffalo

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Gowane Gopal Ramdasji from India on 15-Nov-2005 00:05.
Abstract has been viewed 2812 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Gowane Gopal Ramdasji Contact Details: Email: gopal_gowane@yahoo.co.in

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