
Multimedia Mediated Learning And Learner-centered Microteaching Model In Developing Pre-service Teachers' Language Proficiency And Teaching Competencies  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Education
Institution / University: Southwestern University-PHINMA, Philippines
Published in: 2017

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

This quantitative-qualitative experimental study was conducted to compare the effect of multimedia mediated learning and learned-centered microteaching model in improving the language proficiency and teaching competencies of pre-service teachers of the Iloilo State College of Fisheries-Dingle Campus for Academic Year 2015-2016.

The researcher used the pretest and posttest equivalent group design and a validated 46-item observation rubrics to gather data on seven subscales: subject matter, planning, teaching process, classroom management, communication, language proficiency, and instructional materials. The statistical tools employed were the mean, t-test for independent samples and t-test for paired samples.

Statistical analysis showed that both the experimental (multimedia) and control (microteaching) groups were comparable in the pretest showing homogeneity at the start of the study. At the end of the six weeks intervention period, the multimedia mediated learning group showed significantly better performance than the microteaching group. Even though both groups improved in the post test, the use of multimedia mediated learning has resulted to higher levels of teaching competencies and language proficiency.

Teacher education training institutions can use both methods in improving the language proficiency and teaching competencies of the pre-service teachers.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Multimedia mediated learning, microteaching, pre-service teachers, language proficiency, teaching competencies

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Alma Locara from Philippines on 13-Feb-2017 15:14.
Abstract has been viewed 3161 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Alma Locara Contact Details: Email: almalocara@gmail.com

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