Profitability Performance Of Traditional Banks; Study Of Pre And Post Recapitalisation Of The Banking Sector In Ghana
Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Institution / University: BOLGATANGA POLYTECHNIC, Ghana
Published in: 2017
This study evaluated profitability performance of traditional banks; study of pre and post recapitalisation of the banking sector in Ghana. The study made use of data from the three domestic banks in Ghana that are among the players among the 33 commercial banks as at 2016 end in the banking sector in the country. The study was evaluated using paired descriptive statistics, ratio and paired t-test analysis of secondary data covering six years (2006-2012) from the sampled banks. The research entailed a study of the pre-recapitalization and post-recapitalization periods hence the sample period was divided into two. This approach assisted to capture the actual effect of the recapitalization policy of the government during the period. The result suggests that the effect of recapitalization policy was positive on the management efficiency of the Ghanaian banking system. It also revealed that shareholders comparably received high returns in terms of dividend after the recapitalization. In conclusion, to generate more profit, banks need a good regulatory environment that will enable the banks to expand their scope of business but strictly within the financial service industry. Recommendations were that, Recapitalization is good for the economy but the way the banks raise their funds to meet the recapitalization funds should be carefully looked into so that they do not make their shareholders worse off than they were before the recapitalization and that Bank management should embark on effective intermediation drive that will bring all the small savers to the purview of the government.
Magazine/Journal Keywords/Search Tags:
Bank, Recapitalization, Banks, Study, Banking
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Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by JUABIN MATEY from Ghana on 08-Feb-2017 12:12.
Abstract has been viewed 2067 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
JUABIN MATEY Contact Details: Email: Phone: 0504366724/0542139970
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