
Smartphone Usage And Self-directed Learning Activities At Mount Kenya University Kigali Rwanda  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: Master of Science in Information Science (Information Technology Communication Option)
Institution / University: Mount Kenya University ,Kigali,Rwanda, Rwanda
Published in: 2016

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Different studies have proven that usage of smartphones at higher learning institution in different countries have positively affected the learning activities. According to available literature, very few studies have been carried out, if any to find out the effect of smartphone usage on self-directed learning activities in Rwanda. The research problem was to assess how usage of smartphone affects self-directed learning activities at Mount Kenya University Kigali, Rwanda. The objective was to evaluate the effects of smartphone usage on self-directed learning activities by considering the case of Mount Kenya University Kigali, Rwanda. The targeted population was 1,984 students of six schools of Mount Kenya University, Kigali and 180 lecturers, from which a sample of 95 students and 64 lecturers was obtained using simple random sampling technique by applying Slovin’s formula. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guide. The analysis and interpretation of quantitative data was done using statistics such as frequencies, percentages, weighted means, standard deviations and Multiple Regression Analysis. This was achieved using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20.0 (SPSS V.20.0) and Microsoft Excel 2013 software as the tools for analysis. Qualitative data was interpreted using content analysis. The research findings was presented using graphs and frequency tables. The analysis of the study indicated that 89 (93.70%) of the respondents students owns smartphones and 87 (91.60 %) of them participate in self-directed learning activities such as 85 (89.50%) of the respondent participating in knowledge sharing and collaborative learning activities and 71 (74.70%) of the respondents confirmed to participating in self-guided reading and researching activities. From the Multiple regression analysis, it was found that the correlation coefficient r=0.591, signifying a moderately strong, positive correlation between the usage of smartphones and self-directed learning activities. The coefficient of determination r2 =0.350, meant that 35.0% of the variability in dependent variable (i.e. Self-directed learning activities) depend on the linear relationship given by the multiple regression model that was developed for this study. This meant that 65.0% of the variability in the dependent variable was due to factors beyond control of the study. Recommendations included, conducting awareness campaign on potential benefits of smartphone in education, promoting self-directed learning at higher learning institution and breaking barriers that compromise information access such internet access facility. The study suggested that a more broad-based study should be carried out covering more or all universities in Rwanda in order to give a better and more reliable picture on smartphone usage for self-directed learning activities.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Smartphone ,Mobile Learning,e-learning,self-directed Learning

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Jean Claude Ruvuta from Rwanda on 10-Nov-2016 11:13.
Abstract has been viewed 2409 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Jean Claude Ruvuta Contact Details: Email: mabulos2012@gmail.com Phone: +250 788437227

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