
Mathematics Teachers' Competence in Relation to Stundents' Performance in National High Schools of Dapitan City Division, Zamboanga Del Norte, Mindanao  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics
Institution / University: Graduate School Consurtium of Jose Rizal Memorial State College and Negros Oriental State University, Philippines
Published in: 2004

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The principal purpose of this study was to find out the competence of mathematics teachers and its relation to the performance of students in mathematics in the National High Schools of the Division of Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines during the school year 2003-2004. This was to ensure the preparedness and competence of these teachers in carrying out the focal goal of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) in the country, which is the development of functional literacy among the learners. The output of the study was envisioned to become a useful basis in generating an evaluation tool for teachers’ competence to supplement the usual appraisal system for teachers’ performance.

Specifically, this study endeavored to answer the following problems:

1. What is the competence level of the mathematics teachers as perceived by the students and the teachers themselves in terms of the following indicators:
1.1 Communication Skills;
1.2 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking;
1.3 Sustainable Use of Resources and Productivity;
1.4 Development of Self and a Sense of Community; and
1.5 Expanding One’s World Vision?
2. Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of students and teachers on the competence of the mathematics teachers?
3. What is the performance level of the students in mathematics during the first and second grading periods?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the competence of mathematics teachers and the performance of students in mathematics?

To establish structure in answering the preceding problems, two purposeful null hypotheses were offered as follows:

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the perceptions of students and teachers on the competence of the mathematics teachers.
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between the competence of mathematics teachers and the performance of students in mathematics.

The study employed the descriptive method of research with the use of researcher-prepared questionnaire, documentary technique, and correlational technique. The prepared questionnaire, which was a checklist rating scale, consisted of 25 items equally divided into five areas. These areas were: (1) Communication Skills, (2) Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, (3) Sustainable Use of Resources and Productivity, (4) Development of Self and a Sense of Community, and (5) Expanding One’s World Vision.
The questionnaire was distributed to and responded by 278 fourth year students and nine fourth year mathematics teachers in the nine National High Schools of the Division of Dapitan City. The number of teacher-respondents was taken from the total number of teachers assigned in fourth year mathematics in the entire Division, one for each school. The number of student-respondents, on the other hand, was taken from the actual total fourth year population of 899, sampled through Slovin’s sampling and simple proportionate sampling techniques.
To settle quantitative and qualitative treatments of data, each of the ratings in the questionnaire, in a scale of 1 to 5, was treated as score with corresponding interpretation. On the other hand, each grade of the students during the first and second grading periods, which was used as basis in measuring students’ performance, was scored accordingly from 1 to 5 with corresponding interpretation.
To settle statistical treatments of data, weighted mean technique was used to answer research problems 1 and 3, t-test technique was applied to answer research problem 2, while Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation technique was utilized to answer research problem 4. To test the significance of the result from the computation of Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation, t-test technique was again employed.


After all the necessary data of the study were treated accordingly, the following findings were revealed:

1. The mathematics teachers were very much competent with mean of 4.24 as perceived by the students and much competent with mean of 4.02 as perceived by the teachers in terms of communication skills. They were very much competent with mean of 4.25 as perceived by the students and much competent with mean of 3.85 as perceived by the teachers in terms of problem solving and critical thinking. In terms of sustainable use of resources and productivity, they were much competent with means of 3.91 and 3.73 as perceived by the students and the teachers respectively. In terms of development of self and a sense of community, they were very much competent with means of 4.41 and 4.22 as perceived by the students and the teachers respectively. They were much competent with means of 3.83 and 4.02 as perceived by the students and the teachers respectively in terms of expanding one’s world vision. In general, the mathematics teachers were much competent as perceived by the students and the teachers with overall means of 4.13 and 3.97 respectively.
2. There was no significant difference between the perceptions of students and teachers on the competence of the mathematics teachers. The computed t-values of – 0.28 for communication skills, – 0.50 for problem solving and critical thinking, – 0.23 for sustainable use of resources and productivity, – 0.17 for development of self and a sense of community, and 0.23 for expanding one’s world vision all do not exceed the tabulated (critical) t-value of 1.96, which means not significant.
3. The performance of students in mathematics during the first and second grading periods was average with means of 2.72 and 2.85 respectively. In general, the performance of students in mathematics was average with overall mean of 2.79.
4. There was a significant moderate relationship between the competence of mathematics teachers and the performance of students in mathematics. The computed r-value is 0.59, which indicates moderate correlation, while the computed t-value is 12.16 exceeding the tabulated (critical) t-value of 1.96, which means significant.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The mathematics teachers possess high level of competence.
2. The students and the teachers have similar perceptions on the competence of the mathematics teachers.
3. The students perform satisfactorily in mathematics.
4. The competence of mathematics teachers moderately influences the performance of students in mathematics.


After a thorough examination of the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher emphatically offers the following recommendations:

1. School administrators should encourage the mathematics teachers to get involved not only in professional activities but also in extra-professional activities.
2. DepEd Officials may adopt an evaluation tool for teachers’ competence where students are included as one of the raters.
3. Mathematics teachers should find ways to boost the interest of the students in mathematics maximizing students’ involvement in class-related activities.
4. Mathematics teachers should seek ways to grow professionally keeping in mind their significant influence on the students.
5. Other researchers may replicate this study in the same place or other places to further verify, amplify or negate the findings of this study.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Reynaldo Lagasca Duran from Philippines on 12-May-2005 05:39.
Abstract has been viewed 23304 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Reynaldo Lagasca Duran Contact Details: Email: rldurs2003@yahoo.com

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