
'normalcy Of Food' In Head And Neck Cancer Patients Treated By Individual Dietary Counseling In Combination With Variation Lists.  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Dietician
Institution / University: Radboudumc, Netherlands
Published in: 2015

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Background: Many head and neck cancer patients suffer from malnutrition after chemoradiation or radiotherapy treatment because of acute and late side effects. The use of tube feeding (TF), oral nutritional supplements (ONS) and/or food modifications are necessary to ensure the required nutrient intake. Nevertheless, any deviation from normal food intake can decrease the quality of life. At the moment, no method provides a way to decrease and/or fully replace the use of tube feeding and oral nutritional supplements (ONS) for HNC patients after oncological treatment with preservation of nutritional status in order to increase to quality of life.
Methods: A two day food diary is used to analyse the level of energy and protein. The Performance Status Scale - Head and Neck (PSS-HN) and the Normalcy of Food Intake - Head and Neck (NFIS-HN) is used to is used to report food modification. The body weight is measured to evaluate the process of body weight during time in order to assess possible malnutrition. The QOL EORTC Questionnaire QLQ C30 en H&N35 (Quality of Life, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) is used to evaluate the patients quality of life.
Data was collected of the 6 participants of the pilot study.
Patients are stratified and equally arranged by tumor treatment using a randomized block design. Patients of the intervention group are treated by individual dietary counseling by a dietician using variation lists and the other patients (control group) are treated by usual care by the dietician.
Results: In total, 166 patients were assessed for eligibility. Most of these patients were because they not meet the inclusion criteria. The remaining eligible patients did not participate due to several reasons. The major reason is the impact on their daily lives. As result of the laborious inclusion, a decision has been made to end the inclusion period at a premature phase. Consequently, no statistical tests were performed.
Conclusions: The laborious inclusion has raised doubts for the study design of this pilot study. Another study design is required to determine whether the use of variation lists in combination with dietary counseling could lead to an increase of the ordinary food intake in order to reduce oral nutritional supplements and/or tube feeding at HNC patients.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
head and neck cancer, patients, variation lists, dietary counseling

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Liesbeth Meeuwissen from Netherlands on 06-Oct-2016 21:44.
Abstract has been viewed 1606 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Liesbeth Meeuwissen Contact Details: Email: liesbethmeeuwissen@live.nl

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