This Is The Practical Activities To Imparts The Rules Of The Sports To The Viewers To Enable Them To Enjoy The Sport In A Jocund Mood While The Sport Is Being Telecasted Or Broad Casted By The Directo
Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: master of Science
Institution / University: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science(SLAAS), Sri Lanka
Published in: 2015
If any sports meet to be held for commercial purpose at any stadium or any other places in order to view and enjoy the sports directly by the person who interested on the sports or if any audio program of sports broad casted for the commercial purpose having attracted the people to listen the broad cast for the purpose of listen and concentrate in their advertisement while the people enjoy the sports or if any sports event published in the print media for commercial purpose in order to make interest the people to view their advertisement while they enjoy the sports article published in the print media or if any audio of sports telecasted for commercial purpose having attract the people to view the telecast for the purpose of view their advertisement while the people enjoy the sports, the director should have make necessary arrangement to make understand the sports and enjoy it having impart the rules of the sports event before they view or listen or read about the sports. The people who interested on the sports shall not be able to enjoy the sports without knowing the rules of the sports. It is an important that the director who in charge for the sports events always should take action to make understand the viewer about the basic rules of the sports a short time before the sports event commenced .this could be easily identified by calling as agiworld spodruce. 1)If any sports meet held at any stadium or any other places the director who in charge for the sports events always should take action to make understand the viewer about the basic rules of the sports a short time before the sports event commenced through the visual audio or audio broad casting or written leaflets. Audio visual program should have to prepare about the basic rules of the particular sports and should exhibit it at the suitable places enabling to view the basic rules of the sport by the viewers. this could make easy to view and understand the sport with great pleasure. Audio program should have to prepare about the basic rules of the particular sports and should announce from suitable places enabling to listen the basic rules of the sport by the viewers. This could make easy to view and und understand the sport with great pleasure The basic rules of the particular sport which take place should have to be printed in a leaflet and have to be distributed among the viewers or have to be placed on the chir seats/chairs enabling the viewer to read the basic rules of the sport. 1)The director of the program of the visual audio telecasting should take action for that the basic rules of the particular sport telecasted should have to be made as visual audio program and should be telecasted a short while before the sport program telecasted in the visual medias. Due to this viewers could understand the basic rules of the sport and enjoy the sports maximum interest . 2) The director of the program of audio broad casting should take action for that the basic rules of the particular sport telecasted should have to be made as audio program and should be broad casted a short while before the sport program broadcasted in the audio medias. Due to this the viewers could understand the basic rules of the sport and enjoy the sports maximum interest. 3)The editor of the print media make necessary arrangement to print the rules of the said sport on the top or high light area of the sport article which will take place as a sport article in the print media which could be easily readable in order to the viewers could understand the basic rules of the sports and enjoy well.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
sports management,sports,information technology,media, rules of sports, rules and regulations of sports,sports directors,
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by CHANDRASEGAR AGILAN from Sri Lanka on 17-Aug-2016 20:50.
Abstract has been viewed 1560 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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