
The Art of Living Taijiquan: A Grounded Theory of the Experience of a Traditional Chinese Martial Art in the Netherlands  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Leisure, Tourism, Environment
Institution / University: World Leisure Int. Center of Excellence (WICE)/Wageningen University & Research Center (WUR), Netherlands
Published in: 2005

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The grounded theory which emerged as a result of the present study is based on the findings of a phenomenological investigation into the experience of the movement activity of Taijiquan, and its impact on the everyday lives of the participants of the study.

The study has pursued the goal of building a model of the experiential component of the practice of Taijiquan in accordance with the requirements of the phenomenological tradition. The optimal state of consciousness produced in the course of Taijiquan practice and described by the players in the study, is compared to the state of flow, Focused state, and state of Self 3 described in the literature on the states of consciousness by Csikszentmihalyi, Durrant and Gallwey respectively.

The study discusses the influence of Taijiquan on the everyday lives of the players with regard to the concepts of multiple realities of Schutz, the parameters of reality of Lengkeek, and the concept of Chinese philosophy, Tao, as described in the work of Taylor (1978). Taijiquan is theorized to have a positive affect on the qualities of lives of the players and provide them with a livable life strategy, as referred to in Veenhoven’s concepts of quality of life and the art of living.

The main conclusion of the study concerns the issue of accessible means of acquiring individual autotelic traits in a modern Western social environment, and an enhancement of quality of life from the perspective of control over one’s consciousness.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Taijiquan, flow, experience, life-world, parameters of reality, art-of-living

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Andrey Kolybelnikov from Netherlands on 21-Apr-2005 17:45.
Abstract has been viewed 2260 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Andrey Kolybelnikov Contact Details: Email: andrey1881@yahoo.co.uk

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