Palk Straight Between India And Sri Lanka
Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Independant research, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2016
Palk Strait, Bay of Mannar, Delft and the Marines between India and Sri Lanka.
The region is of versatile marine waters having a traditional fate that invites criticism. It is the fishing. At present, unfortunately, the region is exposed to all kinds of out-fishing. An industry, in this gap, appearing to be the best income branch to many people in the area, both on Indian as well as on Sri Lankan sides. The trade has periodic harmony, but often comes to arrests of fisherman, their boats and all, when they cross the borders, knowingly or without, between the countries. They do either out of excess greed to fish, or a desperate struggle for survival. But one should not forget, they love fishing.
Tragic part on the side of the people at work here is that they have not discovered the best economic combination to the strait, to the bay, to the dotting islands and its surroundings. Though with a bit of patience one sees it flickering under every involved person's nose.
Now another thing is brewing; maybe it has brewed to its maturity; the thing called petroleum and natural-gas energy sector. It is supposed that it will make the region an artificial paradise coupled to the natural paradise. Two with one stroke.
However, many prognosis in many places in the world did fail at huge costs and even had left many regions empty and barren, let alone the ghost towns idling. This may or may not happen to the marine stretch between India and Sri Lanka. Yet it is better to propagate a sector, which at many places is showing success, blended with tendencies to grow. Namely, favouring nature to become more beautiful, have more species that do their own job by feeding on one another and in the process of it making the very thing they feed on to multiply further. Exceptions do occur when one species eats off completely the other. Like human beings have done and still at it though with signs of good turns. Besides, there are many symbiotic inter-species combinations that vitalise the surroundings. Good combinations are the trees and the birds. Such things exist under water, too. The corals and the multitude of tiny coloured fish and crabs straying between the coral webs, playing hide and seek, catch and eat. On the dungs dropped by all floral leaves thrive.
In this geographic segment of the earth, a left to thrive marinarium may bring about multiple industries to expand on its own. It appears though cloudy at the beginning, but a bit of patience with contemplation may elaborate the prospects and do the trick. Many people are waiting, without their knowledge, to see the nature at work.
Nature's beauty is very colourful when left to thrive on its own and has its horror side, too. Both will strike people to have a look at it. One: to be fascinated and be charmed by the beauty it offers and two: to see the horror side of the nature and go home with goose skin. All could be had in the Palk Strait.
This will open up trades and industries of snack bars, restaurants, renting rooms, taking the people about on boats preferably with glass bottoms to see and witness the beauty and many more. Once the motion gets geared other industries follow to fit in. One may have difficulties to maintain law and order and limit the range of monopoly Dons. However, there is do-it-yourself genes in our people. The crevice of ‘I will do mine, you do yours’ in many people will offer possibilities to hundreds to find a living with reasonable income. They are waiting for it.
The call for protection of Marine-life, will have a different touch. The very people whose livelihood presently sits on netting marine life would on their own, instead of living with the menace and fear of out-fishing, resort to the protection of marine-life. Even it may happen, like people breeding horses for show, they may breed marine-lives for show.
As the old saying goes, where there is incentive, natural or artificial, there the industry thrives to adapt itself for the sake of survival and growth. The occupations will multiply affluently on their own.
However, two preconditions must come into its own evolution. They are: cultivation of fish, crabs, prawns, molluscs and others in private premises to such an extent the saturations like tomato, potatoes, beef, milk and all others found in many countries and sectors is reached. In short, most of the marine food netted out from the waters can be bred on the land and near beach offshore. It will release pressure on the waters and eventually have more productivity at home and make the strait beautiful at distances, inciting craving to inland people to come and see.
Secondly, a good breadth, a few tens of metres of coastal stretch, part on the land and a part on water, has to be left in favour of nature, which implies: promoted to be botanically active. It is not a loss as it appears to be. It has no costs save a bit of daily physical work, ideal for retired gents and ladies to get rid of their extra calories, circulate the blood, stretch the idle muscles to vitality in fresh air and with satisfaction.
It will bear income, too, season to season, if one had the patience to pluck only the fruits with reasonable replanting without full scale depletion. In nature, predators and humans are parasites with one way consumption. But, societies have shown that a good percentage of homo-sapiens, better than magpies, ants and bees, have the ability to store and even re-cultivate the very things they consume. That single number percentage present in the communities is more than enough to get the work moving.
Furthermore, the trouble of crossing borders, knowingly or not, and being arrested by marine police of the neighbouring country will cease. Only a few would enjoy the forced sojourning in state owned fortified cells to secure the safety of societies with all the bites, sleeping on cement floor or wooden planks, reading victims’ graffiti on the walls, cheapest food making a person weaker than before for security reasons and nasty toilets, and what not. Just to make the person never think of such an error. Only a masochist would dream of sojourning repeatedly there.
And another among many others: if one reckoned the amount of marine protein taken away from the region, it could be had manifold at the outer regions from the strait instead of out-fishing the strait. The trick is allowing the strait to thrive on its own.
The reckoning goes thus: If there are ten flocks of fish in the strait, one depletes or reduces the number available by fishing. If one allows them to breed unhindered they will have more of them at breeding seasons increasing in tens or even hundreds. For example: each pair produces 10 per season. It will be from five pairs 50 kids.
The rise will go further till the strait gets saturated with fish population. Then there will be sudden rise in kids, a fish plague. With rise in population of the species the emission of the newly-borns, on their own, follows. They get forced and weaned to leave the strait by the seniors and same aged. One just has to lurk and float in wait outside the strait and bay. Then the supply will be more with a higher retaining of breeder pairs. One should consider, the greed to fish falls with additional cultivation in private premises.
If the fishing is done only outside the strait then the strait will supply more than ten per season. Therefore one had allowed the strait to be rich with fish for the visitors to see and amuse themselves or get goose skin, a thrill many like to have unexpectedly. As a result at least two industries would grow directly as others follow suit and settle in.
Long Essay Keywords/Search Tags:
marine-life protection, fish enrichment in the area
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Submission Details: Long Essay Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Sri Lanka on 18-May-2016 13:23.
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