Effect Of Different Botanical Pesticides In Controlling Golden Apple Snail
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: BS Agriculture
Institution / University: APAYAO STATE COLLEGE, Philippines
Published in: 2014
The study was conducted to determine the effect of the different botanical pesticides in controlling golden apple snail. This was conducted at Sta. Lina, Luna, Apayao from February 3 to February 21, 2014.
Laboratory and Field Experiment methods were used in the study. Two different methods were done because laboratory experiment was just served as trial in order to carry out the field experiment. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used for the field experiment while Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used in the laboratory experiment. For the laboratory experiment, 12 similar basins were used for the four (4) treatments with three (3) replications for each. For the field application, an area of 21 m2 was divided into 3 equal blocks to represent the replication which further was sub-divided into 4 equal plots to represent the treatment namely T1 –croton, T2- derris, T3- makabuhay, and T4-kakawate.
On the laboratory application, results of the study showed that on the first day upon the application of the different botanical pesticides, T2 had the highest number of dead snails with a mean of 57.3, followed by T4, T3, and T1.
On the field application, results showed that T1, had the greatest number of dead snails on the first day upon the botanical pesticide evaluation, followed by T2, T3, and T4.
Result also showed, for both in laboratory and in field, highly significant on the number of dead snails on the first day upon application of different botanical pesticides. But on the field application, as the number of days progress or increases it showed no significant difference on the treatment mean.
Based from the result of the study, all the treatments were all effective. On the laboratory evaluation, the snails in all treatment were all dead on the third day, and on field evaluation, the snails only lasted for eleven days.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
golden apple snail, botanical pesticides, kakawate leaves
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by ANGELITO G. RENOSA, ANNIE A. DAET, MA. GIGIT Z. CARPO from Philippines on 26-Apr-2016 18:19.
Abstract has been viewed 1132 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
ANGELITO G. RENOSA, ANNIE A. DAET, MA. GIGIT Z. CARPO Contact Details: Email: anih07@yahoo.com
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