A Gender Based Study On Perceptions Of Teachers And Students Regarding Impact Of Sports On The Academic Achievement Of Students At Secondary School Level
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Philosophy
Institution / University: Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan
Published in: 2016
There are limited studies on the impact of sports on the academic achievement of students at secondary school level. These studies are also carried on in developed countries and the studies on the subject area in the developing countries are negligibly small which count be counted on finger tips. The present study is like a cold light of firefly in the real darkness which was conducted through the perceptions of teachers and students. The main objectives of the study were to know the perceptions of teachers and students regarding the impact of sports on the academic achievement of students at secondary level and also to see the intervention of demographic variables gender and location regarding the impact of sports on the academic achievement of students at secondary level
The study was survey in nature; quantitative methods were used for the collection of data. All the teachers and students at secondary school level of District Dera Ismail Khan was the population of the study. There are total 114 secondary schools in Dera Ismail Khan (Pakistan bureau of statistics, 09-09-2014). For the purpose of sampling the areas of Paharpur, parova and Dera city were selected using cluster sampling technique. Among these areas 100 schools are in rural areas and 14 schools are in urban areas. A sample of 10 schools (10 % of 100 school) from rural area (4 male and 6 female) and 3 schools (20 % of 14) from urban area (2 female and 1 male) were selected using the stratified random sampling technique.
The total numbers of teachers in the sample schools are 249 in which 51 teachers are selected as sample whereas the total number of students in the sample schools are 3720 in which 744 students were selected using Gay (1987) method. According to Powell (2000), survey is the best method for data collection therefore, two research questionnaires were used for the purpose of data collection. One questionnaire was for the collection of data from the students and other questionnaire was for collection of data from the teachers. Both the questionnaire were Likert Type having the five options (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree).
The result shows that there is significant impact of Sports on academic achievement as perceived by the teachers and students. The result also showed that the views of male and female teachers and students were same regarding the impact of sports on academic achievement. The result also showed that the correlation between the views of teachers and students is not significant.
The result shows that there is significant impact of Sports on academic achievement as perceived by the teachers and students, therefore it is recommended that sports activities should be arranged at the secondary school level for the students. The result also shows that the views of male and female teachers and students were same regarding the impact of sports on academic achievement therefore it is recommended that sports activities should be arranged for the training of teachers and seasonal sports gala should be arranged for the students. Further, there is no correlation between the views of teachers and students therefore such tournaments should be arranged which could create the understanding between the teachers and students regarding sports activities.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Sports activities, teachers and students, Gender and location, Academic achievement
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Syed Asif Abbas from Pakistan on 15-Apr-2016 23:34.
Abstract has been viewed 1242 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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