Extent Of Information And Communication Technology (ict) Utilization In Teaching And Its Influence On Students’ Academic Performance: Basis For Program Enhancement
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Arts in Education
Institution / University: LA CONSOLACION UNIVERSITY PHILIPPINES, Philippines
Published in: 2014
This study wanted to investigate the extent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Utilization in teaching towards students’ academic performance among small, medium and large type of school in Public Secondary Schools in District II of the DepEd Division of Bulacan as a basis for program enhancement. Simple descriptive survey research methods were employed in exploring the influence between variables. Frequency distribution and weighted mean were also engaged to describe the availability of hardware and software resources. Frequency count and percentage were also used in presenting the data on student to computer ratio and internet access. The extent of utilization of ICT in teaching towards students’ academic performance in Math, Science and English subject was statistically analyzed using Regression analysis to determine the best predictor among the independent variable (IV) to the dependent variable (DV). In this study, it was found that the extent of ICT utilization in teaching did not serve as significant predictors of the respondents’ academic performance. That there is no sufficient evidence to say that there is significant relationship between independent and dependent variables. Then the model of no effects can be observed or that the obtained insignificant values were due to chance alone or other extraneous variables or factors. An ICT Program was also derived from the findings of the study that would benefit the needs of the Department of Education in Bulacan when it comes to ICT utilization.
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Khristian Liwanag from Philippines on 10-Feb-2016 02:55.
Abstract has been viewed 3288 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Khristian Liwanag Contact Details: Email: felipean-97@yahoo.com.ph Phone: 09224551255
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