

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: linguistics
Institution / University: Sri Lanka Association For The Advancement Of Science (SLAAS), Sri Lanka
Published in: 2015

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Now a days , some audience and peoples like to listen ,watch , read the news concerning the done world records for success and the attempt of world record.

Therefore , if the business mans will introduce a concept of type of media like this for do the business and services, These are given below.

1)a television media for broadcast the only news programmes concerning the done world records for success and failed attempt for the world record for record in the world record books.
2) a radio media for telecast the only news programmes concerning the done world records for success and the failed attempt for world records. for record in the world record books.
3) a magazine of media for publish the news articles concerning the done world records for success and failed attempt for world records. record in the world record books.

If the audience , peoples , and fans of world records aspire to read, watch or listen as above the specified new type of medias. . they are not able to get and feel them Because of not created yet . yes ,we are not able to buy them Yet . but , if the different type of news media will be created by some business mans. Need to know the name of the different type of news media. To call and catch the medias for audience and employers
Therefore , the abstract and research . which introduce and name the type of the new medias to call.

The new name of the news media and the research paper is also giving interest about the new medias to business mans for create and introduce

Now a days, we are able to see the television channel as broadcast the event of done world records for success but this news television channel of ‘agiworld record’ is too different by that

A television media for broadcast the only news programmes concerning the done world records for success and failed attempt for the world record for record in the world record books.

television media of the type. which broadcast only the news programmes About world record attempt.
It may be kept news concerning future , past, present of done world records for success and failed attempt for world record in the programme of the television media. and also have news concerning the world record

A radio media for telecast the only news programmes concerning the done world records for success and attempt the failed attempt for world records. for record in the world record books.
Radio media of the type . which telecast only the news programmes About world record attempt.
It may be kept news concerning future , past, present of done world records for success and failed attempt for world record in the programmes of the radio media. and also have news concerning the world record

A print media (magazine) for publish the news articles concerning the done world records for success and failed attempt for world records. record in the world record books.

print media of the type . which publish only the news articles About world record attempt.
It may be kept news concerning future , past, present of done world records for success and failed attempt for world record in the article of the print media. and also have news concerning the world record

have also a problem ,yes , if the medias will be created and introduced in the future at the world . We do not know that which is what type and how can call the medias. Because of not published scientific articles about this. yet . these are also big problems here. .
Therefore , need to also name for the medias to call easily

The new name also give interest to business mans for create and introduce the medias of new type
We need to also name new and best to type of these medias for abhor.
Some kind of types of news medias are abhor. samples are given below .

Types of tv news channel

1) Weather news channel
2) Sports news channel
3) Business news channel

Types of radio news channel

1)weather news channel
2) business news channel
3) general news channel

Types of print media( magazine and newspaper)

1)business news magazine
2) sports news magazine
3) political news magazine
4)science news magazine

We are given below joined new name for designed type of new medias( news medias)

name of type of the medias

1) ‘Agiworld record ‘ news– we can call that type of ‘Agiworld record’ for broadcast only the news programmes of done world records for success , failed attempt of world record and concerning the attempt the world records. In the tv channels
2) ‘Agiworld record ‘ news -– we can call that type of ‘Agiworld record’ to telecast the news programmes of done world records for success , failed world record attempt and concerning the attempt the world records in the radio channels
3) ‘Agiworld record ‘ news - we can call that type of ‘Agiworld record’ to publish the articles of done world records for success , failed world record attempt and concerning the attempt the world records in the print medias

Yes we can call like this to type of the news medias
We can understand easily and see identity if we call like this to type of these medias (type of designed news medias by scientist agilan )

News medias

1) Radio 2) television 3) print media

Types of Radio news channel
1) Business news
2) Political news
3) General news
4) ‘Agiworld record ‘news

Types of TV news channel

1)general news
2)business news
3)political news
4) ‘Agiworld record ‘news

Types of (news ) magazine

1)sports news magazine
2)science news magazine
3)entertaintment news magazine
4) ‘Agiworld record’ news magazine

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
linguistics, language , english, business, investment,media,news,news media, tv channel,radio channel,print media, magazine, news paper, world record, record

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by CHANDRASEGAR AGILAN from Sri Lanka on 26-Nov-2015 20:20.
Abstract has been viewed 1492 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

CHANDRASEGAR AGILAN Contact Details: Email: chandrasegaragilan@yahoo.com Phone: +94 0756542507

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