Duration Uncertainty As A Moderator Of The Relationship Between Wait Time And Customer Satisfaction In Chinese Supermarkets
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Marketing and applied psychology
Institution / University: Tongji, China
Published in: 2015
The purpose of this research is to highlight the effect on Chinese customers ‘satisfaction of the wait time uncertainty in the supermarket checkout lines. The findings of this research are mostly useful for the managers of supermarkets in China. On one hand, due to a large and fast increase of the urban population in China, supermarkets will soon have to find some solutions to prevent customer dissatisfaction due to increasing line-ups at the cashier. On the other hand, because of the limited profit margin, they will have to find innovative and cost effective solutions to solve this problem.
I argue in this article that duration uncertainty is a moderator in the relationship between wait time and customer satisfaction. This research is based on previous empirical research, performed mentioning a possible effect of uncertainty under some specific conditions. I study and I describe this effect in a different experimental condition and show that the impact of duration uncertainty is wider and stronger. Using experimental data, I support that for the same wait time, customer satisfaction is lower under duration uncertainty. It seems that customer satisfaction is not only affected by the wait duration but even more by the anxiety of not knowing the remaining wait time. Finally I develop a model to help managers to improve customer satisfaction in Chinese supermarkets and suggest an innovative, applicable and inexpensive solution.
This research has broad implications for future empirical researches on the phenomenon of time perception and on the phenomenon of uncertainty.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
China, supermarkets, time perception, customer satisfaction, duration uncertainty
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Remi THOUVENIN from France on 29-Sep-2015 20:27.
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