Development, Validation & Summative Evaluation Of Card Pairing Games For Selected Topics In Math 9
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: BSE
Institution / University: Apayao State College, Philippines
Published in: 2015
This study is aimed at developing, validating and evaluating card pairing games for specific topics in Math 8. The Research and Development model ( R & D) was used. The card pairing games was validated by subject experts and experts in developing games. In evaluating the card pairing games, the Quasi-Experimental Pretest-Posttest design was used.
In the light of the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. There are four card pairing games developed for specific topics in Math 9.
2. The card pairing game is highly valid based from the result of the validation.
3. Students exposed to card pairing game become more intact.
4. Students exposed to card games enhance academic performance.
The following are forwarded as recommendations:
1. Test the effectiveness of card pairing games to other group of students.
2. Encourage math teachers to use the developed math card pairing games for classroom instruction.
3. Develop other card pairing game for specific topics in math .
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Card game, Math 8,
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Ronald Ocampo from Philippines on 26-Aug-2015 07:56.
Abstract has been viewed 2501 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Ronald Ocampo Contact Details: Email: Phone: 09399053188
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