Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Microbial Biotechnology
Institution / University: Visva Bharati, India
Published in: 2005
Chitin is an abundant renewable natural resource obtained from marine invertebrate, insects, fungi and algae. Almost 10% of the gobal landings of aquatic products consist of organisms rich in chitinous material (10-50% on dry weight basis). More than 80,000 metric tons of chitin is obtained from marine waste (Patil et al, 2000). Chitin comprises with 22-44% of cell wall materials of fungi.
Chitinases are glycosyle hydrolases, which are chitin hydrolyser, present in a wide range of organisms that do not contain chitin but play an important physiological and biochemical role. Chitinases have many applications. It can be used as biopesticide, mosquito control agent, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor drug. Chitinase also can be used as waste utilization in form biomanagement.
A serious problem faced by the antibiotic producing fermentation industry is the disposal of large amounts of myceial biomass, which emerge as refuge, and creates pollution. It is estimated that per cycle of fermentation about 30% of mycelial mat develops. The major amount of mycelial biomass is the cell wall material, which is largely chitin. This problem could be overcome if the fungal biomass were used as substrate for further industrial production of useful compounds. In view of this, a suitable strain was isolated which degrades and utilizes the mycelial biomass that also produces useful metabolite such as antibiotic and chitinase enzyme. One of the major goals of my research project (funded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India) is to develop a model for cyclic fermentation for the biomanagement of mycelial waste (of penicillin industry) to produce value added chemicals.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Chitinase, Antibiotic, penicillum
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Mukherjee G & Sen S K.Utilization of Mycelial waste for Antibiotic production by chitinolytic Streptomyces fimbriatus.Division of Microbiology, Visva Bharati (A central university), Santiniketan-731235.
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Gunjan Mukherjee from India on 04-Mar-2005 19:10.
Abstract has been viewed 3624 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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