
Quality Elearning In Distance Learning: Achieving Benefits And Implications For National Elearning Policy In Ghana  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: PhD Information Systems
Institution / University: Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Malaysia
Published in: 2015

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Tertiary institutions in Ghana are faced with inadequate FUNDS, consistent increase in enrollment (Ghana EFA NAP finalized version, 2003 – 2015) and inadequate placement of qualified applicants. To combat these problems, distance learning was introduced. This is a national level strategy to increase the achieved GER of 12.09% to the target GER of 25% (NCTE, 2014). To ensure that the quality of knowledge and skills is not compromise, eLearning delivery approaches has been recommended.

The integration of eLearning in the tertiary institutions can result to changes in the learning and teaching processes. Most intuitions have little to no benefits from eLearning implementation. Universities use curricula suitable for Face-Face and import for e-courses. There is no specific National policy on eLearning to facilitate the accreditation of e-courses to ensure that they meet required standards. Weak collaboration among the universities to maximize resources is another challenge. There is therefore a gap in National policy in the area of eLearning implementation in Ghana.

Lack of National Policy to steer the affairs of eLearning can result to eLearning implementation stagnation, less obligation to seek accreditation by university authorities and drained valuable resources ( Durah et al 2011; Borokhovski, et al 2011 ;Hardt et al 2011& Adali ,2009). A preliminary review of five (5) major National documents regarding education in Ghana revealed that issues on pedagogy and curriculum suitable for eLearning is not adequately discussed in national policy. In addition, the absence of integration on e-pedagogy and e-curricula was noticed.

A mixed method that is positive qualitive with open-ended questinnaire for data collection among the target population (lectures) and a qualititative method with close questionnaire for data collection for the target population (students). The sample size would be chosen purposively for lecturers and randomly sampled for students.  There are five distance learning centers in Ghana and three (60%) would be chosen for this study.

The data would be analyzed Inductively based on a framework. The QSR Nvivo software and SmartPLS would be used. 

The aim of this research is to determine the effect of faculty pedagogy change, curricula accreditation on quality eLearning, investigate the extent of institutional collaboration, intuitional information security effect on quality eLearning, to examine the impact of quality eLearning, quality eLearning service, on eLearning benefits to institutions.

The implications of the findings of this study would be thoroughly discussed to inform national policy debate for steering the affairs of eLearning in Ghana, and factors that need to be examine by Universities to ensure quality eLearning and eLearning services for students would be highlighted.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Ghana, eLearning, Distance Learning, National Policies, University, Benefits

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Education - Quality Elearning In Distance Learning: Achieving Benefits And Implications For National Elearning Policy In Ghana Hannah Ayaba Tanye
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Hannah Ayaba Tanye from Malaysia on 31-Mar-2015 14:14.
Abstract has been viewed 2351 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Hannah Ayaba Tanye Contact Details: Email: hannahtanye@gmail.com Phone: 006017446595

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