Studing The Relation Between Anxiety, Stress, And Depression To Women's Quality Of Life With Rheumatoid Arthritis In Iran
Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Thesis of degree master of General Ppsychology(M.A)
Institution / University: Department of Psychology, Science and Reserch Branch, Islamic Azad University, North khorasan, Iran
Published in: 2014
Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the most prevalent and chronic self-immunity diseases that its prevalence among women is more tripled than the men. The disease symptoms are ache, fatigue, joints dryness and disability in moving. Simultaneous affected by anxiety, stress, and depression with the effect on psychological consequences of rheumatoid arthritis is effective on appearing or disability intensification due to this disease.The aim of this investigation is studing the relation between anxiety, stress, and depression to the women's quality of Life who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This investigation is a descriptive- correlation study with periodic review. The sample group includes 257 women with rheumatoid arthritis which was selected according to Kreijcie & Morgan table. The sampling was done during the first three months of 1392 in Alzahra Hospital in Esfahan. The tools of gathering data are: Depression, stress, and anxiety questionnaires DASS-42 (Levibond, & Levibond, 1995) and life style questionnaire SF-36 (ware & Shirburen, 1992). The data were studied
by software SPSS of version 18 and the descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used (Pierson's correlation, regression analysis simultaneous and step by step). The findings show there is a positive and significant relation between anxiety (Pby the results can be significant.
Keywords: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Quality of life, Rheumatoid arthritis
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Quality of life, Rheumatoid arthritis
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Ghorbani.A.The Survey of Relationship Between Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Quality of Life in Women Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(10) June 2014, Pages: 782-787
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Afrooz Ghorbani from Iran on 02-Feb-2015 11:27.
Abstract has been viewed 2601 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Afrooz Ghorbani Contact Details: Email: Phone: 00989134081603
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