
Research Journal  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Institution / University: Cagayan State University - Aparri Campus, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:


The study generally evaluates the teaching performance of student teacher in the Bachelor in Elementary Education of Cagayan State University. It looked into the personal profile of the student teacher in term of: age, sex, religion, residents location, ethnicity, sibling order, educational attainment of parents, monthly income of parent and membership in any organizations; professional profile of the student teacher supervisors in terms of educational attainment, number of years in the service, number of years a student teaching supervisor and workload and; cooperating teachers in the different elementary school where student teachers been deployed in terms of: educational attainment, number of years in the service, number of years as cooperating teacher, number of workload, class size, number of supervisory observations and extent of professional assistance given to student teachers. It is also looked into the academic performance of the student teachers in terms of: general education grade point average, professional education grade point average, observation and participation grade and CAT scores, likewise, the level of accreditation of the campus where the student teachers enrolled.
The student teachers themselves and student teaching supervisors generally considered the level of confidence of student teachers in performing professional teaching tasks in terms of: lesson planning and implementing, preparation of instructional materials, evaluating pupils and classroom management. It likewise determined the level of performance of student teachers in performing professional teaching tasks as perceived by themselves, student teacher supervisors and the cooperating teachers in terms of: lesson planning, preparation of instructional materials, evaluating pupils and classroom management.
The study also determined the relationship between teaching performances of student teachers and student supervisors' variables and relationship between teaching performance of student teachers and student teaching supervisors’ variables.
Data were elicited from 131 student teachers,8 student teaching supervisors, and 131cooperating teacher though the use of questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics like frequency counts, weighted mean and person-to correlate the independent and dependent variables. Result revealed that student teachers’ respondents were at the right age of schooling, most of them were female. Roman Catholic dominated, lived in a rural area, and belonged to a first born child. Majority of the teachers' parents were high school graduate and do have a mean income of p.4, 366.42 a month.
As regard to the academic performance of the student teachers, the mean grade point average in general education was2.30. For the professional education grade point average, it has a mean of 2.09 and participation grade has a mean of 1.77. The mean College admission test score of the teacher was 42.06.majority of the campuses is in level 1 of accreditation.
As regard to the profile of the cooperating teachers, majority were BS. The mean number of years in the service was 17.43 have a regular load with a mean class size of 32.11
As to number of supervisions and observation to student teachers, majority have 20 and more times of supervision and observation from their cooperating teacher.
The extent of professional assistance given to student was" to some extent". However, for the overall teaching performance of the student teacher given by the cooperating teacher was'' very satisfactory"
The result on the assessment of student teachers themselves and student teaching supervisors in the level of confidence of student teachers in performing professional tasks in lesson planning and implementing is ''confident", while ''much confident" for the student teaching supervisors. As regard to the level of confidence on the preparation of instructional material, the student teachers rated themselves as "much confident", while "confident" by student teaching supervisors. Evaluating pupils as "confident", whereas, student teaching supervisor rated ”much confident” the classroom management, both of two groups of respondent had the same assessment with a as "much confident" an overall assessment of the student teacher by themselves as "confident”; while much confident to the student teaching supervisor.
the assessment on the level of performance of student teachers on professional teaching tasks as perceived by the student teacher themselves, cooperating teachers and student teaching supervisors in performing professional tasks: lesson planning very satisfactory for student teachers and student teaching supervisors while satisfactory for cooperating teacher; preparation of instructional material, very satisfactory for student teacher, and student teaching supervisors while satisfactory for cooperating teacher: evaluating pupils, very satisfactory for student teacher and their respective student teaching supervisor, while satisfactory for cooperating teacher, and classroom management the three group of respondents has rated the students teachers very satisfactory respectively.
Performance in doing professional teaching tasks is not related to age, religion, sex, location of residence, sibling order, education of mother, monthly income of parents, position in organization, college admission test score, general education grade point average, professional education grade point. Observation and participation grade are not significantly related to the teaching performance of student teacher.
Accreditation level as well as the level of confident of student teacher is significantly related to the student teaching performance of student teaching performance.
The teaching performance of student teacher is significantly related to the student teaching supervisors’ variables, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: Student teachers are academically prepared to undertake the practice teaching program. Student teachers highly regard their competence to cope with the demands of actual teaching, particularly the professional teaching skills expected of teachers. Student teachers have competence to conduct teaching – learning in the actual classroom. Accreditation of the teacher education program provides avenues that improve the quality of service offered to students who benefit from improvements made under the program. High self-concept of students makes them more motivated to excel in performing professional teaching tasks. Highly qualified student teaching supervisors, likewise the cooperating teachers are more capable to extend professional assistance to would – teachers. Further, it is likewise recommended in this study the following:
1. Student Teaching Supervisors must have greater supervision of their student teachers. This would mean more visits to the host schools where the student teachers are deployed.
2. Student teacher supervisors must have a system of reporting, the findings of the student teaching supervisors to the rest of the training institution faculty. The supervision could be once a week.
3. To sustain competence in performing professional teaching tasks, student teachers must have a longer period of observation and participation in laboratory schools even before their actual student teaching.
4. Student teacher supervisors must spend more personalized supervision with the student teachers before the off-campus program until they achieved the desired competencies. He/she should set a system in the campus such that the student teachers will observe demonstration classes by some faculty.
5. Teaching strategies faculty would require lesson plans based on the offered curriculum of DepEd.

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Dissertation Images:
Education - Research Journal Student Teacher in Action
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by PERLA BAUTISTA from Philippines on 21-Nov-2014 06:17.
Abstract has been viewed 3292 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

PERLA BAUTISTA Contact Details: Email: perlarbautista41@yahoo.com Phone: +63917 3536 249

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