
Conflict Transformation Through Tourism  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: PhD
Institution / University: University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Published in: 2003

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

With reference to modern peace research, peace is understood to depend on the creative and non-violent transformation of conflicts. The present research links this theory with the idea that on the personal level such conflict transformation builds emotional literacy - which in turn improves the person’s ability to handle further conflicts in non-violent ways. Thus, the present work distinguishes between emotional and intellectual literacy and seeks to explore the different roles of these in relation to the transformation of tourists’ conflicts.

The research focused on individuals’ travel related experiences through observation, interaction, interviews and focus groups with one hundred and ninety two participants. The majority consisted of Norwegian tourism students in Spain. Students on three courses of five months and on two courses of one month were observed, interviewed and interacted with during their studies as well as in their free time. Twenty-one British participants were interviewed in Britain, with respect to their past experiences as tourists.

The field work has demonstrated that travel related conflicts may appear before the actual journey has started. Tourists are generally aware that their travel may involve unpleasant hurdles to be overcome - such as anxiety that Home will change in their absence - but still they travel. There is also a tendency that the tourist stages personal conflicts, such as deciding to challenge their fear of confronting the Unknown. A major gap has been observed between the participants’ theoretical expectations of how they would react to the foreign environment, and their actual experiences. The resulting conflicts were particularly related to strange food, matters of hygiene, and confusion regarding feedback from the foreign environment. When emotionally transformed, these types of conflicts had a major impact on the individuals’ way of being. The findings indicate that tourism provides a field conducive to personal conflict transformation because of the voluntary aspect involved with travel.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Conflict, peace, tourism, emotional literacy

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Sashana Askjellerud from United Kingdom on 14-Jan-2005 12:35.
Abstract has been viewed 2484 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Sashana Askjellerud Contact Details: Email: sashana@faceitnow.co.uk

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