
Agro-morphological Evaluation Of Radish (Raphanus sativus) Using Nutrient Omission Plot Technique To Compare Conventional From Organic Agriculture  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Institution / University: Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Farmers who want to venture to organic radish production would become hesitant because of the possibility that yield be sacrificed. The experiment was conducted at Kauswagan, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur to evaluate the agro-morphological characteristics of radish using nutrient omission plot technique as basis on nutrient reaction to compare conventional and organic agriculture; determine the percent increase or decrease on agro-morphological characteristics relative to control using nutrient omission plot technique; determine the genotype and phenotype that need to focus for crop improvement under organic breeding method; correlate agronomical and morphological traits existing in radish using nutrient omission plot technique; and calculate return on investment (ROI) in radish. It was carried out using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with six treatments (T1-no fertilizer applied, T2- Complete Fertilization, T3- -N, T4- -P, T5- -K, and T6- Organic Fertilizer) and three replications.

Results of the study showed that the highest length from 15-60 Days after Sowing (DAS) was taken from T2 (Complete Fertilization). However, the result was comparable to T6 (Organic Fertilization). In terms of the number of leaves, the highest was taken from different treatments considering the number of DAS. At 15 DAS was found the highest from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). At 30 DAS, it was taken from T1 (no fertilizer applied). At 45 and 60 DAS, it was derived from T3 (-N). However, at 45 DAS, it was found comparable to all other treatments while at 60 DAS it was comparable to others except from T4 (-P), T1 (no fertilizer applied), and T6 (Organic Fertilizer). Moreover, the longest length of tuber was derived from T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and was found comparable to T6 (Organic Fertilizer), T3 (-N), T5 (-K), and T4 (-P). Furthermore, the widest diameter was taken from T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and was found comparable to T3 (-N), T5 (-K), and T4 (-P). The highest average weight was derived from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). It was found comparable to T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and T4 (-P).

Percent increase and decrease relative to the control was also taken. A fluctuating increase was noted from 15 to 60 DAS in length of leaves. Likewise, fluctuating increase and decrease in the number of leaves was also noted from 15-60 DAS. It was also observed that at the middle stage of the radish, usually at 30 and 45 DAS, there was reduction in the number of leaves relative to the unfertilized plot. In agronomical data, the length of the tuber and diameter was at highest percent increase in T2 (Complete Fertilization). However, the highest percent increase on the average weight was taken from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). Percent average weight decreased was noted from T3 (-N) and T5 (-K).

Very strong correlation existed between length of tuber and length of leaves; length of tuber and number of leaves; diameter of tuber and length of leaves; diameter of tuber and number of leaves; average weight of tuber and number of leaves; however, only strong correlation was found between average weight of tuber and length of leaves. The result implies that we can use morphological traits to assess agronomical traits of the radsih. On the other hand, T6 (Organic Fertilization) has the highest return on investment among treatments and was only found higher compare to unfertilized plot. Other treatments were found lower compare to T1.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Agromorphological Evaluation, Nutrient Omission Plot Technique, Correlation Analysis, Return on Investment

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:

Flores, Jullan Dave A. and Edgel O. Escomen. 2014. Agro-morphological Evaluation of Radish (Raphanus sativus) using Nutrient Omission Plot Technique to Compare Conventional from Organic Agriculture. Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines. 53 p

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Edgel Escomen from Philippines on 26-Sep-2014 11:12.
Abstract has been viewed 2052 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Edgel Escomen Contact Details: Email: edgel.escomen92@gmail.com Phone: 09101726140

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