
Tranquillisation Of Coastal Waves  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of science
Institution / University: Private, United Kingdom
Published in: 2014

Paper Abstract / Summary:

On windless mornings and no tremors at the bottoms the beach sides are very tranquil. Inviting people to swim in them and have some fun. Such tranquil waters have become seldom. The seas have turned rough. Even the slightest wind turns tranquillity to turbulence.

Earlier, some centuries ago, the slopes of the coastal sea-beds were fairly steeper than they are today. In addition, they have had much biology, which with their remnants made coasts to grow. Now, due to the increase of soils being washed into the seas the Coastal sea beds have become shallower and the repeated bashing of the bed by new soil have depleted much of marine Sea-bed biology. The shallowness turns progressively the amount of longitudinal and transversal waves into corpuscular-kinetic-waves.
The present rise in corpuscular-kinetic-waves catalyses itself. When it drives itself up on the beach they erode more than before and take fine soils down with them. The downward wash of the soils in its turn decreases the steepness further and increases shallowness of the sea bed. That in turn helps the waves to leap more into the lands. At some stage the phenomena goes out of control and dashes the Coast to pieces. Presently, there is no land at the Coasts that has not lost land-stretches to the seas. Save some coastal-stretches which have some growth due to the vast losses elsewhere.
Waves, whatsoever, are very useful to the coasts. The trick is to manoeuvre them, so that they turn to be useful to coastal marine biology; the way they had been centuries ago. The improvement comes with the tranquillisation of the coastal waves. This in return, directly facilitates human livelihoods and professions at the coasts.
To achieve that aim one has to manoeuvre corpuscular-kinetic-waves. The other two waves, longitudinal and transversal, are harmless as long as they remain as they are. But, they always turn into corpuscular-kinetic at the end parts of their travels. That is the stretch where the waves throw themselves up. At that stretch, some tens of metres in the seas, the waves could be tranquillised in many ways to serve all needs.

Depths of corpuscular-kinetic-waves under normal conditions
The corpuscular-kinetic-waves are formed when longitudinal waves and transversal waves enter relatively shallow waters. The height of the corpuscular-kinetic-waves depends on the sizes of transversal and longitudinal waves that reach the slope. As the waves get converted at the wave-throw-stretch, the upper part of the thrown wave is corpuscular-kinetic and the lower part have a portion of the previous two types of waves, which have been not converted.
Normally, the wave-throw-stretch has a depth about two to three metres. But during high-tide and bad weathers the depth varies accordingly. The thickness of the layer of the water where corpuscular-kinetic-waves move, is about one metre. It is the upper section of the wave current. The thickness reduces as the wave dashes from the sea towards the beach, while turning more turbulent and aggressive with rise in speed. That is due to the conversion of remnant longitudinal and transversal waves as they too traverse towards the Coast. They are at depths about 1.5 metres.
As they rush further towards the beach from the initial wave throw, they again have wave-throw-stretches with smaller amplitudes. At these stretches the water is fully turbulent with a mixture of all kinds of waves.

How are water-waves tranquillised
Water waves could be tranquillised in horizontal layers, vertical strip like walls, in columns and with danglers. In all of them waves´ momentum are deflected in minute molecular groups. So that much energy permeates into the tranquillising device as the waves run passt. This is achieved, very efficiently with floating groynes.

Wave tranquillisation in layers
The most effective way to tranquillise a wave is on its upper surface. A train of water-wave as it dashes towards a Coast has much momentum. The momentum must be reduced gradually, softly, and tenderly. The reduction is done through mechanical conversion of the momentum and diverted away from the water with floating groynes.
With floating groynes the upper surface of the moving water is combed and raked in minor layers as the current passes under. The molecules of the upper most layer, in millimetre layers, are deflected and removed from the dashing corpuscular-kinetic-wave. The removal is not singular. The wave molecules are progressively confused in different directions to cancel one another´s motion. And the process is continued towards the Coast. The reduction is like inter-city express does along the railway line as it approaches the station. As the first layer is combed or raked the second layer just under rises up and get reduced. The process continues to the groynes end.
The groynes are like compartments of the train. A simple floating groyne is a square of one metre. They are tied one behind the other. Each groyne can reduce about 10% of the momentum of the wave that dashes under. One can calculate how many groynes must be fitted one behind the other to achieve a wished reduction.
For instance, if the needed reduction of the momentum is 30% then, in an average, six groynes have to be fitted one behind the other to achieve the aim. But, as things with waves being not predictable more are added in a line as reserve. The longer the better.
How are groynes floated
The groynes could be floated in three ways. They can be done direct from the coast-side and stretching into the water, or floated at low-tide distance from the Coast or most effectively on off-shore at the initial wave-throw-stretch.
Usage of Tranquillisation
Tranquillising the coastal waters will help the lost marine biology in the coastal sea-bed to set foot again. They are corals, sea shells, weeds, coloured small fishes and many more species. Then like decades ago, the Coast will receive much remnant calcareous and botanical material. And make the Coast grow again.
With the change in the Sea-bed also the there will be change direct on the dry side of the Coast. Namely much coastal biology will have their swing.
Very important recovery will be the forming of reefs and bars some tens of metres offshore. This could be achieved with offshore tranquillisation. They, besides protecting the Coast like a shield helps marine biology to flourish on it and better near the Coast.
With the tranquillisation of the Coast many other useful developments on the Coast will follow of its own. They vary from place to place. The strongest contender is Aqua-culture. Fish farms are successfully practised in many places. They with time not only spread, but also will pull in marine agriculture to it.
Many people who have abandoned their homes, livelihoods and professions can come back and settle again with more hopes and confidence. And help with their new professions to release pressure on marine life by cultivating, also small scale farms. The opening spectrum is very wide and will begin branching in many directions.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
coastal wave tranquillisation

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from United Kingdom on 08-Sep-2014 14:11.
Abstract has been viewed 2544 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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