Floating Groynes And Their Usage
Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Private, United Kingdom
Published in: 2014
The usage of floating groynes, appears to be unlimited in the hydrosphere. They have no climatological limitations and can be made to fit any morphology of the Coast and beach-scape. They can be used on stagnant waters, lakes, rivers, lagoons, seas and oceans. The floating groynes will be doing on the waters what building constructions of all kinds do on the lands. Besides, most importantly, they will enhance nature in many ways. Their development in aquatic world will enormously release pressure on wild life both on the lands and the seas. In addition, also an important need though still not widely accepted, is a means to reduce Latent-desertification and drought in the lands.
The floating groynes could be constructed at all waters where water has a reasonable area. They can start as usual, at banks, beaches and coasts and then extend straight into the waters miles on without fear of the depths. Strangely, deeper the water better for the groyne.
The level of technology has no hindrance. They can be made also at lowest grass-root level. The construction of them could be accomplished even without a hammer, provided a knife and few ropes are found. The materials needed to make groynes´ platforms can begin with grass tufts, straws, twigs, branches and end at wooden and synthetic beams as well as at huge steel girders with which large buildings are constructed.
Production of them can be left to individual decisions as well as be standardised for mass productions. Making light weight groynes direct on waters is equally easy as prefabricating and fitting them on the waters. As for large floating groynes one has to adapt oneself like in heavy constructions on the lands.
The floating of the groynes need synthetic support. Natural floaters have become rear. But many synthetic materials of today are chemically neutral that they are used even to cater all kinds of food. So, the floaters made of them serve well. They are found all over in different forms, small and big. Very effective are cheap plastic balls used as toys and litre bottles for mineral water. They are so cheap nobody cares for them when strewn about.
The forms and structures of groynes have no restrictions so are their architectural styles. They can fit into any tastes and cultures of the regions. They can float like bridges or have thatched roof along the stretch. They can be made to have large areas as well as pools in them to have fun on the waters.
Usage of floating groynes:
The usage begin with simplest Coast recovery and stretch into offshore to protect the land from the nightmares of Tsunamis. And between the two ends there are all kinds of professions that could have their workshops on them. It implies that the spectrum of technologies applied is very broad. It can start at the lowest technology imaginable and continue ever improving through intermediate, advanced and end at high-tech.
Usage of floating groynes at lowest technological level are following:
1. To protect the Coast and beaches from erosion and make the land grow.
2. To improve the estuaries of small brooks, rivulets and sewage canals that pollute the seas.
3. To strengthen the Coasts for botanical and agricultural fields.
4. Tranquillise the waters for marine underwater biology.
5. Small sanctuaries for marine ornithology as well as amphibians.
6. Small dock to park boats to float at all tides.
7. And to make elementary fish drying platforms, living and resting sheds.
8. Mini aquatic farms. Both fish and agriculture.
9. A small spot for holiday-makers.
10. Elementary solar-energy platforms and many more.
At the lowest level the groynes can be made just with ropes and a knife. They are good to try and see the effects and to find what adjustments have to be done. The whole process implies that they could be constructed by amateur and private people even with little craftsmanship. Provided they knew to get along in waters, rough and tranquil.
Very important in lowest phase is to be near the Coast and not to go deeper into the waters. Because the strength is low and the waves may easily break the device. Reliable length into the water is about 10 metres. But they could be broadened without limit. Broadening, strengthen the device and catalyses the processes aimed at. Once the elementary phase is crossed one can step into intermediary technological level.
Usage of floating groynes at intermediate technological level:
The usage at this level remains more or less the same as in elementary phase. The difference is the mode of construction, materials used and the strength of the device. They remain easily replaceable like the lowest grade, in addition, they could be altered to advanced methods by enhancing them. The advancements compared to the elementary are mentioned below.
1. To protect the Coast and beaches from erosion and make the land grow: The difference between the lowest is that they are more stable and could be reckoned. The soil gets stabilised and the reduction of the momentum of the waves increases. They will be stepping boards to expand other usages into the waters.
2. To improve the estuaries of rivers and sewage canals that pollute the seas: Mostly in urban areas the rivers´ qualities have changed to the bad. The deltas don´t form any more. The dirty water that comes into seas just spread along the Coast making the stretch useless for people as well as for marine biology. These damages could be repaired fairly well with intermediate methods.
3. To facilitate Floral growth to grow the Coast
4. Tranquillise the waters for marine underwater biology: At this stage the tranquillisation of the waters will have better results in the sea bed. The lost sea-bed marine biology like sea shells, chonks, crabs, snails and even corals may get back to spread on the sea-beds. The marine botany may find it easier to set root and provide symbiosis when the waters are calm.
5. Small sanctuaries for marine ornithology as well as for amphibians: They could be constructed away from beach so that they remain undisturbed by terrestrial animals and also human beings. Their lengths and breadths could be substantially increased to bear the roughness of the seas.
6. Docks to park boats to float at all tides: Parking boats on the beaches increase coast-erosion. Every time they go out and come back they make tiny valleys or notches on the sand. The water leaps in and bring the sand down expanding the notches laterally. A relative strong floating dock can be made at this stage to cope with the problem.
7. And to make elementary floating huts: Fishermen do much work on the Coast. For instance they dry fish. It is not easy when it is just exposed. There are many animals just eat the drying catch. If the drying is done just a few metres away from Coast in the floating platforms then they remain safe. In addition, fisherman mend their nets at the Coast. They can do it in bad weathers too, had they a floating hut on the Coast.
In the picture one can see the urge to live on waters. It has been built on water that should have been land long ago or a marine stretch that has been deprived of becoming land.
This type, and better hut housing fits well on floating groynes. And eventually will get the form like the one in picture. Because with floating groynes coast grows.
Besides, that could be easily extended to have floating platforms to dry fish, anchor boats and mend the nets.
Many will surely live in it and then go landwards for holidays. Why not?
Living in waters
8. Mini aquatic farms. Both fish and agriculture get the initial professional step: The fish farm can take the form of net-cages tied to the groyne. And agriculture can be fitted at the top taking a voluminous form.
9. To facilitate marine soil-bars and islets: They usually form just at the stretch where the main wave throws itself up. Now in many seas they are not forming any more.
10. To consolidate permanently the wave-heaped moving sand peninsulas. The heaping of soil happens at island-beaches as the waves driven by winds embrace the island and meet as they come from opposite sides.
Wave throw at the far end
Wandering soil heaps as wind changes
Usage of floating groynes at advanced technological level:
From intermediate stage onwards the stages turn to become professional. The work enters the rough section of the waters. This is the stage where the groynes will cross the wave-throw stretch and enter offshore where the waters are deep. In the deeper region, beyond the wave-throw stretch the waves are mostly transversal and may turn into corpuscular-kinetic at rough times. In tranquil periods it is relatively easier to work offshore where waves are transversal than in coastal stretches where corpuscular-kinetic waves roll.
In the advanced technological level, the floating groynes do all what lower technologies do plus many more get added to it. They cease to be fun and hobby and become seriously professional. They will not be cheap and will demand much legality. However, they have high potential of pay back. Because, constructions of them, once the
initial hurdles are jumped over and experience gathered, becomes much easier than on lands and need much less time to implement.
From them following have immediate usage:
1. Reduction of the momentum of the tsunamis and hurricanes.
2. Offshore factories
3. Offshore harbours
4. Marine settlements
5. Hospitals for contagious diseases, recreation sanatoriums for addicts and others, and very importantly prisons for convicted people.
6. Natural energy sector has wide scope with floating groynes. Most effective will be the solar-energy sector. Oceans are just open fields.
7. Marine fields to encourage marine biology. The depths are great and little is in use because they are deep. Coral fields could be had with floating groynes having suspended crates with sand under them.
8. And many more as one wishes. They have no end. Even high speed water racing will need floating groynes.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
coastal recovery
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Boat on the beach (click to enlarge) |
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drying fish (click to enlarge) |
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Drying fish (click to enlarge) |
Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from United Kingdom on 02-Sep-2014 11:27.
Abstract has been viewed 2758 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com
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