
The Behavior Of Imam Ali With Government Officials.....  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: master science
Institution / University: yazd uni, Iran
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The behavior of Imam Ali with government officials is one of the most important issues about Alavi government that it can considered with analysis of Characteristics of different behaviors and state the samples for each in this behavior.In addition, evaluation the effect of Imam Ali, behaviors with government officials on the way of Imam Khomeini is another matter in which it could be modeled on the following government of the Islamic Republic from Alavi government, especially in the mentioned areas. In this study, at first the behavior of Imam Ali with government officials is divided into two areas of action and reaction. Besides representation examples for each characteristic behavior has been considered. In the second section after discussion about effective factors of Imam Ali on the founder of the Islamic Revolution in the behavior with officials and the position of following from prophets and divine teachers with thought of Imam Khomeini and the subject of his following from Imam Ali in his behavior with officials in idea, words and behavioral characteristics and samples this behaviors are considered. The paper concluded that: Imam Khomeini is affected from Imam Ali in all of behavior about dealing with official such as thoughts and words and behavior and these impacts are clear in all aspects of the late revolutionary with officials.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Imam Ali, Imam Khomeini, officials, government , behavior

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by seyed roohollah tabatabaei nodoushan from Iran on 01-Aug-2014 10:46.
Abstract has been viewed 1569 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

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