Effectiveness Of Computer Based Test Over Paper Pencil Test
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: phd
Institution / University: university of allahabad, India
Published in: 2014
With high demands on curriculum coverage within the classroom, teachers are in need of an efficient manner in which to conduct non-teaching activities without lessening their impact or purpose. One such activity includes test administration. With the increase in technology over the past several years the integration of technology into the classroom is now affordable and realistic for most educational institutions. One of the latest technological advances is online testing i.e. computer based test (CBT). The use of online assessment integrates computer and internet technologies for the purpose of student assessment. So it also attracts the researcher to do a comparative study between computer based test (CBT) and paper – pencil test (PPT).
It is therefore important to know if computer-based tasks are equivalent to paper-based ones and what factors influences the use of these two media. Early comparisons of computer- based and paper-based tasks generally favored paper for better performance according to the metrics of speed, accuracy and comprehension. A comprehensive review by Ziefle (1998) reached the conclusion that paper is superior to computer, because of the display screen qualities whereby the eyes tire more quickly. However, comparisons were based on studies conducted in the 1980s and early 1990s. Display screen technology has advanced since this time; therefore, more recent studies should provide findings that are more valid today.
Previously many study have been conducted in this area but none have clear that which testing method is better for the students point of view and also the teacher point of view i.e. easy to prepared the test paper, easy to conduct the test on students, and also easy to calculate their score. This study will ensure that does the evaluation method really affect the achievement of students? If not so then teacher should preferred the CBT test over the PPT test because this method can save their time and energy which can be utilizes in completing another task also. So this problem came in the mind of researcher to check to the effectiveness of these two method of testing on the senior secondary students.
Nowadays, computers especially in the teaching is already playing a big role in achieving its target but examination is also a important part of teaching which should be conducted accurately and in a formative manner. And its accuracy is usually judge by the achievement of scores after examination of students. Recently, CBT is added in evaluation method along with PPT methods but which one is better in all prospect is still not have been clear. Much of the available research was inconclusive and giving contradictory result (Federico & Liggett, 1989). Many studies compared similar tests, but not exact test forms with test items in the same order and with the same time limitations for each testing method (Eignor, 1993; Straetmans & Eggen, 1998). The issue of whether computer testing affected achievement scores needed to be researched. In this study, it was necessary to ensure the computerized version of the test did not rely on typing ability for a good score. Faster typists did not have any advantage over students with poor typing skills. In this study, using multiple-choice tests to preclude the influence of typing ability on the test results ensured that typing ability was not a factor in the achievement scores.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
computer based test , paper pencil test , formative examination
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