
Cosmic Dilation And Ice-age  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: master of science
Institution / University: Private, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2014

Paper Abstract / Summary:

In the universe all objects must travel in curves. The space between objects always have moving gravitational force in it. As the objects travel they continually change course due to varying gravitational-field-strengths. The course is either a quasi-hyperbola, a quasi-parabola or a quasi ellipse. They are quasi because the orbits are perpetually in motion and the gravity-fields keep on changing.

An object travelling in space may appear to have a lonely orbit but they are never lonely. The objects fall into interdependent groups though the distances may go to billions. They are held together by gravitational forces between them, however small they may be.
As they travel they get pulled by other gravitational fields in the space. The curve is directed towards centre of gravity of the other larger interdependent group (or groups).
When one group gets pulled by another group then dilation between the members of the group begins. The distance between members increases. It is because the force of gravity between two bodies is inversely proportional to the distance between them. A body of a group nearer to the new group has higher acceleration towards the new than the member which is further away. Therefore, the distance between the members increases progressively.
The groups can be large as well as small. The larger ones, like Solar-system, have a star as the main member. A star radiates energy that it converts. The radiated-energy fall on members like the planet Earth. The amount falling on the planet is inversely proportional to the distance between the radiator (the Sun) and the planet (the Earth). Nearer the object much the energy falling on it.
When the dilation begins between the members, the amount of radiated-energy falling on the planet decreases progressively as the distance increases. This results in cooling of the planet.
The smaller group pulled by a bigger has a path which is either a quasi-hyperbola, a quasi -parabola or a quasi-ellipse. This path has a point called Perihelion, that is the nearest to the centre of gravity of the bigger system. About this point, before and after, the path takes its maximum bend and dilation is only up to Perihelion, where it has its maximum. After Perihelion the dilation reverses. Namely, the distance between the members begins to decrease progressively.
This phenomenon of dilation causes Ice ages as the group moves towards Perihelion, and warm-periods after passing. The cooling and warming are non periodic when the curves are quasi-hyperbola or quasi-parabola. They are sporadic Ice-age or warm periods. If the the curves are quasi-ellipse then they are periodic. However, they are factors that interfere and confuse deciphering.


Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
cosmic dilation

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Sri Lanka on 06-May-2014 12:44.
Abstract has been viewed 2416 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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