Assessing The Frequency Of Usage Of Item Analysis Among Faculty Members Of The Faculty Of Pharmacy Of University Of Santo Tomas
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Pharmacy
Institution / University: university of santo tomas, Philippines
Published in: 2014
Item analysis is important in the teaching and learning process. There must be a match between what is taught and what is assessed. However, there must also be an effort to test for more complex levels of understanding, with care taken to avoid over-sampling items that assess only basic levels of knowledge. Item analysis can be used to help improve test items and determine those which are biased. Item analysis is the general term that is used to refer to the specific methods used in education to evaluate test items, for the purpose of test construction and revision. However, very few teachers are using item analysis. This low usage could be due to the fact that majority of the teachers teaching do not have formal training on education in which item analysis is a requirement. It is in this issue, that the Faculty of Pharmacy though its Faculty Development Program initiated seminars and training on assessment.
The study determines the number of faculty members who are using item analysis as part of their teaching work. This process helps in improving the teaching skills of instructors by determining what areas in teaching does the instructor needs to improve and guides them how to do so. The researchers used a descriptive research methodology for this study, with the purpose of determining the percentage of the faculty members of the Faculty of Pharmacy who use item analysis on examinations and quizzes as well as its usage frequency. The gathered data showed that 49% of the respondents do not use item analysis and the other 51% respondents use item analysis; no one applied it every quizzes and examination, 32% used it every after major examination, 30% used it only when needed and 38% utilized it only when required. Out of the 37 that uses item analysis, 36 of them revise the test questions in their questionnaires while 3 of them ignore the results. One of the instructors gave another answer. With these results, the researchers recommend that a seminar about the importance of item analysis will be conducted to the faculty members.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Item Analysis, Test Items, Assessment, Seminar
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by kc calderon from Philippines on 19-Mar-2014 05:04.
Abstract has been viewed 1675 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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