Assessment Of Causes And Consequences Of Medical Staff Absenteeism And Turnover On Organazation In Case Of Arba Minch General Hospital
Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Course / Degree: MBA
Institution / University: Arbamnich University, Ethiopia
Published in: 2014
It is a widely accepted fact that Africa, where Ethiopia is a part, takes the largest burden of most of the diseases in the world and contrary to this has the smallest share of health workers compared to its population. Together with these facts when there is no effective medical staff management system in the health institutions, one can imagine the level of crises the country May face in relation to health workers. Absenteeism and turnover of medical staff places a continual strain on the already limited number of medical staff in health care institutions in this country. Medial staff is believed to be the key for Ethiopia to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to health and overcome the huge challenges facing health service delivery in the country. There has been little attention given to the assessment of health service. This affects the ability of such an organization to cope effectively with the challenges presented by its environment and it has a disruptive effect on the functioning of this kind of an organization. A sufficient number of medical staff is essential for the delivery of quality nursing care in health care institutions. Medical professionals are the backbone of the health care delivery system worldwide and adequate staff members are needed to address the health care needs of the community in this country as well. Historically, health care institutions have had serious problems with absenteeism of nurses (Sullivan & Decker 1992). Employees may be absent from work for reasons that include personal reasons and unsatisfactory working conditions (Kass Vodanovich & Callender 2001). Research findings show that many health care institutions poorly monitor and record absenteeism of nurses in the workplace (Bydawell 2000). Employee turnover is expensive from the view of the organization. Voluntary quits which represents mass departure of people of human capital investment from organizations and the subsequent replacement process entails manifold costs to the organizations. These replacement costs include for example, search of the external labor market for a possible substitute, selection between competing substitutes, induction of the chosen substitute, and formal and informal training of the substitute until he or she attains performance levels equivalent to the individual who quit. Addition to these replacement costs, output would be affected to some extend or output would be maintained at the cost of overtime payment (John 2000). According to Hacker (1999) when an employee leaves, other employees who were sociable with the leaver may feel distressed. If leavers are valuable co-workers, and/or if the work group is cohesive, turnover can have a negative effect on those remaining.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
absenteeism ,turnover,medicalstaff,causes,conscequences
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Tekle Dulla from Ethiopia on 12-Jan-2014 15:14.
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