Assessment Of The Impact Of Employees Training And Development On Job Satisfaction In Case Of Gamo Gofa Zone Civil Service Office
Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Course / Degree: BA/ MANAGEMENT
Institution / University: Arbaminch University, Ethiopia
Published in: 2014
Understanding the phenomenon of employee training and development requires understanding of all the changes that take place as a result of learning. As the generator of new knowledge, employee training and development is placed within a broader strategic context of human resources management, i.e. global organizational management, as a planned staff education and development, both individual and group, with the goal to benefit both the organization and employees. To preserve its obtained positions and increase competitive advantage, the organization needs to be able to create new knowledge, and not only to rely solely on utilization of the existing (Susjar, S, G, Zimanji, V, (2006).
Civil servant can be trained for divers purposes, including beefing up technical skills, improving management skills, giving a sense of what is expected from leadership, and creating a common culture and a group spirit among staff and especially among senior management. Training, however, an integral part of public personnel management. Studies suggest job satisfaction and opportunities for personal development are important factors in enhancing the quality of civil service (Yu and Im, 2002).
High staff turnover and poor performance have been persistent issues for both international and local non government organizations (NGOs). This is mainly because the employees are less satisfied with their jobs. The issues have often been connected to the difficulties in motivating staff and volunteers. Financial and non-financial constraints in NGOs including multi-cultural environments in many of those made the situation more complex and hard to tackle. People In Aid, therefore, commissioned research to look at ways in which these organizations can and do motivate their staff and volunteers to retain. The factors responsible for low employee motivation and high turnover, as revealed through the research, are low salary, restructuring and job insecurity, increased employment opportunities elsewhere, issues of personal safety and security, lack of respect and appreciation, under employment, lack of development opportunities, work culture within the workplace and non alignment of values (People In Aid, 2007).
Employee satisfaction has become one of the most attentions-demanding concerns of the managers, decision makers and employers world over. This is predominantly because of the significant influence of employees’ satisfaction on their performance. Literature shows that the employees who are satisfied with their jobs perform noticeably better than those who are unsatisfied. There is a wide range of driving forces of job satisfaction; employee training is one of them.
Training deals with the efforts made to bring improvement in the performance of employees. Satisfaction with training and development is a major factor in decisions regarding people’s careers. It is a factor that prospective employees evaluate in the job-hunting process. It is cited in surveys as to why workers accept or decline jobs with certain employers and why employees leave one employer for another. A sample of workplace surveys shows the importance of workplace training from a variety of perspectives. North America Employment Review survey of twenty-six hundred American and Canadian employees found that 80 percent of respondents said receiving training that increases their skills and abilities was a key component of what they looked for in jobs (“What Drives,” 2001). A 2001 Network Computing survey of fourteen hundred information technology (IT) professionals found that IT employees felt educational and training opportunities were critical in their job (Violino, 2001).
The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship of training with job satisfaction of the employees working in Gamo Gofa zone Civil Service Office. The study also ascertained the effectiveness of employee training programs being implemented for equipping employees with modern skills.
1.2 Problem Identification
The importance of training has grown in last few years because of rapid growth in the management practices, and increasing demands of the employee job. Thus training is the best solution to improve employee’s understanding and let them know how to use the specific skills. Training can also be of general in nature which enhances employee’s skills to cope with the common problems. There are few factors which have strong impact on the output of training. Therefore it is necessary to address those critical issues before managing training programs and investing huge sum on the employee’s development. Employee training persistently contributes to the increase in capital stock which is available in the economy (Baldwin & Johnson, 1995).
Bo Hansson (2009) is of the view there are only two options to continue with high profits and higher wages in the developed nations: escalating the skill levels of individuals or developing superior skills for managing those skills and “human capital” more broadly. This point is highly taken by the employers as they replied to these new phenomena by enhancing the wages for workers with more skills, capabilities and by increasing their utilization of downsizing and other techniques intended to down the labor costs.
Training, work place performance and employee job satisfaction has positive relationship (Jones et al., 2008). While training is positively associated with the employee job satisfaction and employee job satisfaction is further having relationship with the measures of performance. The explanation of the direct relationship between training and performance depends on the factors of training and performance used in the analysis. Baldwin (1999) studied the training strategies of the different companies. He came with conclusion that the required skills capabilities depends on industry where employee is working.
Training brings the change in employee attitude which is consistent (Rowden, 2003). It is one of the means of improving the manpower utilization and helps the potential raise in the employee job satisfaction. However it also needs employees should be given opportunity to grow in the professional environment, where they are provided latest tools, experience trainer and proper on the job and off the job training.
Trend of training and development receives more attention of Civil Service sector than any other sector because most of the practitioners belong to society where they have not received any professional education. Although, Civil Service Office is focusing on the building capacity of its employees yet great commitment is required to promote the man power capabilities and potential by providing the training as per the demand of the market. One thing missing in these trainings is evaluating effectiveness of these trainings. There is dire need to evaluate the trainings so that effectiveness could be measured. The present study was particularly aimed at ascertaining effects on trainings on employee satisfaction in case of Gamo Gofa Zone Civil Service Office. .
1.3 Research Questions
Through undertaking the present study, the following research questions will be answered:
(1) Is there relationship between employee training and jobs satisfaction?
(2) What is nature and extent of relationship between employee training and jobs satisfaction?
(3) To what extent training and development affect job satisfaction of employees?
(4) Does trainer quality affects job satisfaction of employees?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to assess the impact of employee training and development on job satisfaction in case of Gamo Gofa Zone Civil Service Office.
More specifically it aims:
To ascertain the effects of employee training on their job satisfaction
To assess the nature and extent of the relationship of employee training and job satisfaction
To identify the relevancy and perceived value of employee trainings facets that play an important role in making a training successful
To generate a body of the knowledge for policy makers and decision makers about how they can best use trainings
To provide recommendations based on the result of finding
1.5. Significance of the study
This study will have the following significance for different bodies:
• The study allows policy makers to consider and revise the current level of training and development of Gamo Gofa Zone Civil Service Office
• It helps the Office to focus on strengthening the capacities of conducting the research so that the institutions can support the effort of change in the country.
• The researcher will get knowledge and understanding regarding assessing the impact of training and development on job satisfaction concepts.
• It serves as base for interested researchers as a reference on the issue in conducting future and detail study in the area.
1.6. Research methodology
This is an exploratory study which will be undertaken for ascertaining the effects of employee training and development on their job satisfaction. In order to achieve the research objectives, the methodology section includes target population, sample, instrument and measurement, procedure, data analysis. These will be discussed as follows:
1.6.1. Population, Sample and Respondents
In this study, simple random sampling will be applied to select the staff members as population to be considered. In this case they will be provided questionnaires regarding their gender, age, qualification, training level, their views towards training and development, organizational commitmnent, etc.
The sample size will be determined using the standard tables for sampling using the confidence level of 95% and 10% confidence interval. The total population of the Office is 79. Out of this 57 are male and 22 are female. Based on the standard the sample size for a population of 79 for Gamo Gofa Civil Service is 25.
1.6.2. Instrument & Measurement
The study will adopt a structured questionnaire pertinent to training outcomes. The questionnaire will be amended according to the study requirements for identifying impact of employee trainings on the job satisfaction. The questionnaire comprised of two sections. In first section, the respondents will be asked to tell about their personal characteristics, while in second section, the respondents will be asked to express their perceptions regarding the study variables. The instrument contained pertinent questions regarding the study variables which have been addressed through statements to which the respondents will be asked to express their judgments using a five point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
1.6.3. Procedure
The survey instrument will be self-administered and is to be distributed personally among the targeted respondents. Only one questionnaire will be given to each respondent and the filled questionnaires will be collected personally. Sufficient support will be provided to the respondents to understand and answer the asked questions accurately. Questionnaire comprises questions related to all independent and dependent variables. Demographic section covers questions related to age, gender, education and experience etc. Respondents will be facilitated during questionnaire filling process for correct data acquisition.
1.6.4. Data Analysis
In the data processing phase data editing, coding, entering, and cleaning will be made so as to check the consistency and validity of data collected with different tools. In analyzing the data both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used. Qualitative analysis will be employed for the data collected through interviews.
SPSS will be used to make the quantitative analysis of data that will be collected through questionnaires. Simple descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and frequency will be employed to summarize the data or to describe the relationship between the key parameters of training and development on job satisfaction in the Office.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
training, development, job satisfaction, service
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Gudeta Abera from Ethiopia on 12-Jan-2014 14:33.
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