Correlates of mathematics Performance And Result Of College Pre-board Examination of Engineering Students in Laguna State Polytechnic University
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Bachelor Degree
Institution / University: LSPU-SCC, Philippines
Published in: 2013
This study entitled “Correlates of mathematics Performance And Result Of College Pre-board Examination of Engineering Students in Laguna State Polytechnic University” specially sought to answer the following questions (1) what is the mean grades of engineering students in High School mathematics, and Engineering mathematics Subjects? (2) What is the level of performance of the subjects in the pre-board examination? (3) What is the profile of Mathematics professors in terms of (a) Age, (b) gender, (c) Educational Attainment, (d) Trainings Attended, (e) Length of Service, (f) Eligibility, and (g) employment Status? (4) Is there a significant relationship between the High School mathematics and Engineering Mathematics grades and the students’ performance in the College Pre-board Examination? (5) How do the professors’ profile moderate the relationship between the High School Mathematics grades and the Engineering mathematics grades and the students’ performance in the College Pre-board Examination?
The study was conducted at Polytechnic University Sta. Cruz, Laguna Main Campus during AY 2010-2011.The descriptive-correlation method of research was used to gather information needed in the investigation. The respondents were all graduating students under ECE, ME, EE, and CE in the College of Engineering enrolled this AY2010-2011. The research instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire-checklist. The High School Mathematics Grade and eight Engineering Mathematics subjects was gathered from the registrar. All the idea data collected were subjected to statistical tool: weighted mean, mean, standard deviation, linear and multiple regressions.
This study revealed that the mean grade of engineering students in their high school mathematics grade (Ave. Mean = 86.95) and the engineering mathematics subjects (Ave. Mean = 80.52) were satisfactory and fairly satisfactory.
The level of performance of engineering students with respect to the result of the college pre-board examination was remarkably rated low passed with an average of 66.67.
From the Engineering Mathematics Professors Profile in terms of (a) age, 7 out 10or 70% of LSPU-SCC Engineering Mathematics Engineering Mathematics Professors fall under the age bracket of 26 to 35 years old at least 10% are 25 years and below. 2 or 20% falls under the age bracket of 36 to 45 years old; in terms of (b) gender, 7 or 70 percent of the LSPU-SCC Engineering Mathematics Professors are male while the other 3 or 30 percent are female; in terms of (c) educational attainment, 4 or 40 percent of the LSPU-SCC Engineering Mathematics Professors were Bachelor’s Degree holder and 6 or 60 percent had units in master’s degree; in terms of (d) length of service, 4or 40 percent of the LSPU-SCC Engineering Mathematics Professors had been in the service for 5 years and below while 6 or 40 percent for 6 to 10 years, in terms of (e) trainings attended, 3 or 30 percent of the Engineering Mathematics Professors-respondents had attended trainings for less than fifteen (15) years; 3 or 30 percent had less than 5 years of trainings; 2 or 20 percent had attended more than 21 years of trainings; and 1 or 10 percent for less than twenty (20) years trainings; in terms of (f) employees status,5 or 50 percent of the LSPU-SCC Engineering Mathematics Professors-respondents have engineering license, 3 or 30 percent has LET license, also 1 or 10 percent have others licensure and non board.
The correlation value between students’ performance in high school mathematics and Pre-board examination was 0.28, indicating a mal positive correlation with a p-value of 0.025. The computed t-value of 2.33 is greater than the tabular t
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Camille frances Castaares from Philippines on 22-Nov-2013 13:31.
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