
Law Of Universal Action  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Master of science
Institution / University: private, Germany
Published in: 2013

Paper Abstract / Summary:

The universe has continuous and endless actions. Actions had no beginning and will not have an end. They flow from one into the other. It implies that there are no reactions in the universe. Reactions are in the minds of people and not outside them.

The process when an object "A" exerts force on another object "B" is called action of "A" on "B". In other-words, the object "A" supplies energy to the object "B".

Normally it is said: when the object "A" acts upon object "B", the second object "B" exerts a force of reaction which is equal and opposite to the force exerted by "A".

"If it is so, there can be neither action nor reaction."

The universe must be in a state of stillness, darkness and coldness near absolute temperature. Because action must had been cancelled by the force of reaction at the very beginning. It is clear that it is not the reality.

In addition to it, action requires energy. Similarly, if reaction existed, it needs energy, too. In the case of action of the object "A", energy is set free either in the object, or is supplied from outside, or it may be due to interaction like gravity, magnetism etc.

In the case of reaction of the acted-upon-object "B", in many cases, there is no energy set free within the object "B" or is supplied from outside, or is there due to the interaction of the objects like gravity, magnetism etc. Therefore, there cannot be a reacting force.

The explanation is:

At the initial stage, a limited amount of energy supplied by the acting object "A" to "B" is stored by the acted-upon-object "B". This energy is stored as potential energy in the molecules of the acted-upon-object "B".

When the limit of storage of energy is not exceeded, the object undergoes reversible size changes or deformations. It is within the elasticity of the object "B".

The moment the supply of energy by the acting object "A" exceeds the amount that could be stored as potential energy in the molecules of "B", the object "B" enters the second stage. The object begins to move, deform or even break irreversibly. The excess energy is fully used in the displacement, deformation or in the collapse of the structure of the body .

In the explanations given above, it could be clearly seen that action does not have equal and opposite reaction. But the energy in the force is stored as “Potential Energy” in the molecules of the object. Because the applied energy is stored, a book will remain on a table without an opposing force

All the activities and motions in daily life and in the universe happens because energy gets stored and released due to varying conditions without reaction.

Singularity of Action:

Action is like gravity without a pair. It is singular. It exists without reaction. It is not like magnets, electrostatics etc., which are pairs. Like gravity, whose field spreads spherically outwards, the energy in action, too, spreads spherically outwards, when not hindered in any form. The difference is gravity cannot be manoeuvred (?) but energy could be manoeuvred.

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© Copyright Hamsen B Paramahamsa e-mail: snb1898@gmail.com

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
action, reaction

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Germany on 07-Sep-2013 14:42.
Abstract has been viewed 2755 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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