
Pakistan’s Relations With Central Asian States And The ‘new Great Game’  

Abstract Category: Arts
Course / Degree: M.A International Relations
Institution / University: Department of International Relations, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan., Pakistan
Published in: 2012

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Since independence, Pakistan’s foreign policy has been shaped by two interrelated factors, i.e., the fear of India and an urge to seek a strategic balance with India. Another important element of its foreign policy has been a strong attachment to Islamic ideology.

These two factors seriously shaped Pakistan’s policy towards Central Asia. Pakistan over emphasized on the religious factor in approaching Central Asia on the hope to replace ruins of cold war alliances through the Islamic factor. But Central Asia’s relations with Pakistan and other Muslim states under the umbrella of Islam has been opposed and discouraged by not only their national leadership but also by the West and Russia. Despite the fact that most high level delegation visited Central Asia to negotiate for itself a new place in the regional alignment and many agreements signed with Central Asia Republics, progress on the ground remained negligible.

The slow progress on the ground can be attributed to both internal as well as external factors. Internally Pakistan faced and still facing the issues of transparency of the political system, efficiency of the economy, redefining the economic role of the state, strengthening and rebuilding Pakistan’s economic and political institutions and the lack of economic resources.

Internal chaotic political situation, instable Afghanistan, regional geopolitics for influence in Central Asia and the political and economic transition of Central Asia itself, all complicated Pakistan’s policy towards Central Asia. With the fall of Taliban in Afghanistan, Pakistan further lost the bargaining power in regional affairs. However, the fact remains that Pakistan can’t be marginalized compete Central Asia due to its significant geographical location though the policy of strategic depth derived from Indian fear has been dashed by regional politics.

On economic front Pakistan lacked resources, capital and technology to assist Central Asian states during their transition. Due to internal political disturbances of Pakistan, it could not develop a consistent policy towards Central Asia. Within ECO a certain degree of competition between Pakistan Iran and Turkey for influence has been hampering its development. On the other hand CARs first looked towards the west and now back to Russia for economic, political and security assistance. However, besides these factors the bridge between Pakistan and Central Asia i.e. Afghanistan as the cornerstone of the region, must be stabilized for any headway in the direction of Central Asia. If normalcy does not come to Afghanistan, pipeline and trade routes will bypass Afghanistan and Pakistan for better and many available alternatives.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Muddassir Ali Khan from Pakistan on 03-Sep-2013 17:02.
Abstract has been viewed 4025 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Muddassir Ali Khan Contact Details: Email: mak48e@gmail.com

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