Socio- Economic Status And Extent Of Involvement In Co- Curicular Activities Of Students In The College Of Arts And Sciences, Romblon State University
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: AB ENGLISH
Published in: 2012
This study aimed to determine the relationship between socio-economic status and extent of involvement on co-curricular activities of the students in the College of Arts and Science. Specifically, it aimed to determined the socio demographic characteristic of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status, allowance per week, parent’s educational attainment and occupation and monthly family income, type of co-curricular activities of the respondents prefer whether competitive or no-competitive, reason of the respondents in joining co-curricular activities, extent of involvement of the respondents in co-curricular activities. The statistical tools used to analyze the data gathered were percentage, weighted mean, and the Pearson Product moment Correlation coefficient. This study will give insights to understand that the necessity of socio economic status and school activities participation is a promising guarantee to develop social, moral intellectual, spiritual, and physical attributes, thus, making the students well-rounded individuals. This would even make them realize that above all, the learning experience and training is the best application a learner may offer as a gift to himself. In the light of the findings and conclusions, it is recommended that; the college or university should give scholarship program or incentives to those students who pass the needed talents and skills in order to encourage their participation in competitive and non-competitive co-curricular activities. A similar study should be conducted not only in the College of Arts and Sciences but throughout the college of Romblon State University Main and other campuses. This study is to be published in CAS Journal.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Socio-economic status, co-curricular activities, school activity involvement, extent of participation
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by divine grace gabay from Philippines on 03-Sep-2013 08:51.
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