

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: AB Political Science
Institution / University: College of Arts and Sciences, Romblon State University, Philippines
Published in: 2012

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This study assessed the implementation of barangay ordinances on peace and order in the Municipality of San Andres, Romblon as perceived by 48 elected barangay officials and 96 household respondents. Specifically, it aimed to know the elected officials ‘socio demographic profile such as; age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, monthly income, terms of office and number of seminars/trainings attended; the level of respondents’ toward the extent of implementation of barangay ordinance on peace and order; and the significant differences of perceptions between elected officials and household respondents toward the extent of ordinances’ implementation.

The data were gathered through researchers’ made questionnaire and were statistically treated using statistical formula like percentage to analyze respondents ‘ socio-demographic profiles; weighted mean to asses respondents’ perceptions toward the extent perception of barangay ordinances on peace and order and t-test in order to analyze the significant differences of perceptions between the two groups of respondents.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn; majority on the elected officials were the age bracket of 40-49 and 50 and above; males; married; college level; with a monthly income P5,000; elected for second term; and have attended seminars/trainings in public governance for 3-4 times.
Barangay officials perceived the implementation of barangay ordinances as “moderately implemented” while household residents perceived it as “not implemented”.

There were no significant differences of perceptions among respondents toward the implementation of barangay ordinances, thus, null hypothesis is accepted.

In the light of findings and conclusion, the following were recommended: Elected barangay should attend more seminars /trainings in order to upgrade their knowledge and skills specifically on ordinance’ implementation. Moreover, they should exert their best efforts in disseminating information about the implemented ordinances in order to increase the level of awareness of their constituents. This study can be replicated by doing any of the following; asses other ordinances’ implementation in other barangays of Romblon province; include more respondents, other than those included in the study; and validate further the instrument.

Keywords; assessed, implementation, ordinances on peace

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
assessed, implementation, ordinances on peace

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Arianne Jude M. Casa, Jayson F. Factor, Rodgene F. Fampula, Many P. Galicia, Richard M. Marquina, Dr. Edna M. Sixon.(2012).IMPLEMENTATION OF BARANGAY ORDINANCES ON PEACE AND ORDER FROM YEAR 2006-2010 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAN ANDRES, ROMBLON, PHILIPPINES 

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Arianne Jude M. Casa et. al from Philippines on 15-Aug-2013 10:08.
Abstract has been viewed 15897 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Arianne Jude M. Casa et. al Contact Details: Email: Mario30phd@yahoo.com

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