Productivity And Biomass of Earthworms (eudrilus Eugeniae) In The Diffirent Substrates
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: AB-English
Institution / University: Romblon State University, Philippines
Published in: 2012
The productivity and biomass of earthworm’s species E. eugeniae are influenced by the potential nutrients and the availability of the substrates. E. eugeniaefed with sheep manure and plant based substrates were heaviest in the 12th weeks of feeding and significantly produced most number of cocoons. E. eugeniaefed with plant based substrates alone recorded the lowest biomass, biomass gain and number of cocoons.
The mean periodic biomass gain in sheep manure with plant based substrates definitely increased on the 2nd week up to 8th week of feeding. The weight gain declined on the 10th weeks, E. eugeniae fed with goat, horse and cow, manure based substrates declined on 12th weeks of feeding. The same results have been observed on the mean periodic number of cocoons produced.
Keywords: Animal based substrates, Gliricidia sepium (Madre de cacao leaves), Saw dust, Biomass, Biomass gain, Periodic biomass gain, number of cocoons, Periodic number of cocoons and Vermicompost.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Animal based substrates, Gliricidia sepium (Madre de cacao leaves), Saw dust, Biomass, Biomass gain, Periodic biomass gain, number of cocoons, Periodic number of cocoons and Vermicompost.
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Edgardo F. Fadallan, M.S. Hort., Cherry G. Esoinosa, Sherol Eve G. Familara.(2012).PRODUCTIVITY AND BIOMASSOF EARTHWORMS (Eudrilus eugeniae)IN THE DIFFIRENT SUBSTRATES
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Edgardo F. Fadallan, et. al. from Philippines on 15-Aug-2013 09:54.
Abstract has been viewed 2280 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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