Management Functions In Relation To Performance Of Barangay Committees In The Municipality Of Romblon, Romblon
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: AB Public Administration
Institution / University: Romblon State University, College of Arts & Sciences, Philippines
Published in: 2013
This study was conducted to assess the management functions in relation to performance of barangay committees in the Municipality of Romblon, Romblon.
Specifically, it answered the level of respondents’ perception toward the management functions of barangay committees in terms of (a) planning, (b) organizing, (c) directing and (d) controlling; the level of respondents’ perception toward the performance of barangay committees in (a) peace and order, (b) agriculture, (c) tourism and beautification, (d) education, (e) health, (f) youth and sports, (g) infrastructure, (h) finance; and (i) the significant relationship between the barangay committees’ management functions and their performance. The researchers used the descriptive-correlational method of research. The population of the study was composed of 440 sample-respondents composed of 360 household respondents and 80 committee members. The instrument used to gather data is the researchers’ made questionnaire and were tabulated and analyzed using weighted mean and Pearson R.
Based from the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn; most respondents agreed that barangay committees are effective on their management functions in terms of planning, organizing, directing and controlling; Majority of the respondents perceived that the level of performance of barangay committees were “very satisfactory” in terms of peace and order, agriculture, tourism and beautification, education, health, youth and sports, infrastructure and finance; Committees’ performance in terms of peace and order, agriculture, education, health, youth and sports and infrastructure are not significantly related to management functions in terms of planning, organizing, directing and controlling thus, null hypothesis is accepted; Committee on Tourism and Beautification were significantly related to organizing and controlling; while Finance Committee and directing is significantly related with each other therefore, null hypothesis is rejected. Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were given; barangay committees should attend seminars and trainings on management functions in order to enhance their performance skills. They should render better services to their constituents to attain the needed development of their barangay. The same study should be conducted in other municipalities of Romblon province so that it will provide continuous information with regards to the status of management functions and performance of barangay committees, thus, it will give immediate measures to whatever problems that may arise; Include more participants/ respondents other than those included in this study; validate further the instrument. Keywords;Performance,Perception,Committees
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This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Jean B. Ferrancullo, Shahanie F. Mabunga, Imee M. Magada, Joan M. Magada and Pearl M. Morgado, Dr. Edna M. Sixon. (2012). College of Arts and Sciences, Department of AB Political Science. Romblon State University, Odiongan Romblon Philippines
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Jean B. Ferrancullo, et al from Philippines on 15-Aug-2013 09:32.
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