
Teachers’ And Students’ Orientation On Communicative Competence In English Language Classrooms  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Arts major in English
Institution / University: Romblon State University, Philippines
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The objective of this study is to determine the teachers’ and students’ orientation on communicative competence in English language classrooms in Romblon National High School. The study was conducted during academic year 2012-2013.
Further the study sought to answer the following questions: (1) What is the teachers profile in terms of: age, sex, years spent in teaching, degree obtained, specialization, eligibility, no. of in-service training attended, and monthly income? (2) How oriented are the teachers in the implementation of communicative competence to language learning? (3) How oriented are the students on communicative competence to language learning on the communicative approaches implemented by the teachers? (4) Is there a significant relationship between the teachers’ effective implementation of the same?
The descriptive method of research was used and conducted at Romblon National High School. There were five (5) English teachers and 172 students who served as respondents.
In this study, the profiles of teachers are described. The findings showed that teachers perceived their orientation of the four underlying component of communicative competence as “always” (A) signifying that they are highly oriented to the implementation of communicative approaches/strategies in English language classroom, however, the students sees their teachers implementation of communicative approaches/strategies on the four area of competence in English language classrooms only often (OF).
In contrast, students perceived that their orientations to communicative competence in grammatical and sociolinguistic competence are only often (OF) and in the area of discourse and strategic competence is seldom (S).This revealed that students are less oriented to the four areas of communicative competence. Nevertheless, their teachers thought that students are communicatively competent except for sociolinguistic area where students’competence is perceivedas often oriented (OF).
The null hypothesis, however, is accepted since there is no significant relationship between the teachers’ effective implementation of the communicative competence approach and the students’ orientation of the same.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived: (1) Not all the points being discussed and the strategies or approaches implemented by teachers can be absorbed easily by their students. (2) There is a need to develop the speaking skills of every student. (3) Speak English as much as possible inside and outside the classroom.(4) Lastly, varied activities on teaching of discourse and strategic competence area are encouraged.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Communicative Competence, Communicative Language Learning, Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Competence, Communicative Language Learning, Communicative Language Teaching

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Befe Grace M. Largueza, Jobelle C. Capillo, Christine R. Basilla and Dr. Sherwin A. Perlas.(2013).Teachers’ and Students’ Orientation on Communicative Competence in English Language Classrooms.

Thesis Images:
Education - Teachers’ And Students’ Orientation On Communicative Competence In English Language Classrooms ginalyn
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by ginalyn formelos from Philippines on 15-Aug-2013 09:12.
Abstract has been viewed 3906 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

ginalyn formelos Contact Details: Email: gformelos@yahoo.com Phone: 09099538457

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