The Use Of Expanded Micro Teaching Skills On Reducing Anxiety In Teaching Performwnce Of Novice Teachers
Abstract Category: Education
Published in: 2013
Microteaching is a vehicle for development and training in Teacher Education (Andrew, 1987). The classroom transaction by teachers is quite essential and this can be improved by practicing micro teaching skills in a perfect manner. Microteaching helps teachers improve both content and methods of teaching and develop specific teaching skills such as questioning, the use of examples, illustrations, simple artifacts and effective reinforcement techniques to make lessons more interesting. On the other hand, immediate and focused feedback combined with the occasion to practice the suggested improvements in the same training session, are the foundations of microteaching protocols. Many research studies suggest that this technique helps in better class room transaction reducing anxiety among novice teachers in their teaching performance. However, it is also known that the novice teachers are not giving their best in the classroom. Hence, this made the investigators to study the effect of expanded microteaching in the teaching performance of novice trainees. Therefore, it is important to realize the microteaching is not a substitute but a supplement to the teacher education programme. But in practice micro teaching is not given more importance as microteaching skills are ingrained with methodology paper.
Consequently, Students are not even understood the meaning and purpose of practicing micro teaching and they lack in required skills. Micro teaching is the one of the unit in the methodology paper. Students are not given much in put since they do not have time and energy to inhale and practice it. This paper highlights the effectiveness of expanded micro teaching skills as a separate paper in B.Ed course. Two groups were used for the study. The control group had micro teaching skills in their optional papers itself. The experimental group practiced their micro teaching skills as a separate paper of ‘development of teaching skills through micro teaching’. At the end of the study, teaching performance scores were compared and teaching anxiety scale was administered. Result showed that the experimental group had more significant progress in the mastery of teaching skills and they seemed to be reduced anxiety as compared to the control group.
At the end of the study students are given questionnaire on different areas of micro teaching to assess the effectiveness of the expanded micro teaching. Surprisingly, 99% of students in the experimental group have reported that they aware of the meaning, definition, objectives and purposes, and thereby understand and thorough with the components, stages and cycle of micro teaching whereas 53% of students in the control group who had microteaching skills in their methodology paper itself only reported that they aware of meaning, objectives, purposes and stages. Remaining students are reported that they do not understand the components and had not used them effectively in the class room transaction. Hence, the study suggested that micro teaching skills are to be brought out as a separate paper by giving a space in the every day time table so as to increase their awareness and potential towards their mastery over the teaching skills and to reduce their anxiety in the teaching performance.
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Submission Details: Report Abstract submitted by ARUL SELVI V & Dr.S.Malathi from India on 26-Apr-2013 07:36.
Abstract has been viewed 3614 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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