
Problems Of Integrated Transport Development In Kharkiv City  

Abstract Category: Architecture and Civil
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Construction
Institution / University: Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine
Published in: 2009

Report Abstract / Summary:

Global experience reveals that characteristic tendency of modern cities is sustainable growth in the level of motorization. Regardless of the size of the city, population, geography and administrative importance - objective reality is constant increase of vehicles quantity. The rates of this growth are different, because it directly depends on the state of the economy (and, therefore, one well-being of population), but the problems caused by saturation of the vehicles street and road network of cities are virtually identical in all cities.

And although differences do exist, and in general terms, there’re not written laws which define that a "big city - big, small town - small problems", and among the most pressing city problems today cost-temporal and territorial problems stand out. No less urgent, naturally, and operational problems, but from a position of feedback of their solution less effective.

It is hard to imagine a city in which exactly territorial issues would not have been determinative. Indeed, loss of time, dictated low rate of movement, re-mileage and lack of parking spaces are directly related to deficit of area. But because the development of the city - this is an objective, subject to urban regulation process, the solution of these problems are possible only through integrated actions that require systematic capital investments.

National and regional rules and regulations provide a range of activities at all stages of development of the city. However, frequently, many of them implemented in the best case partially, but more often lose their relevance. Actually, the development, to a greater extent, is not based on the master plan, but on the basis of "commercial" monitoring, i.e. taking into account the supply and demand, in accordance with the real need. All this leads to the fact that the deficiencies in the "social cultural and domestic sphere" service of population compensate for spontaneous markets, centers of wholesale & retail trade, mobile services and network of small objects for service. Also, in fact, areas of attraction are shifted, and so are the directions of traffic & pedestrian flows. And now a consequence of this shall leapfrog with change the profile of certain objects of service, as well as the catastrophic deterioration of living conditions in some areas of Kharkiv.

In order to avoid greater consequences to the city authorities simply need to pay more serious attention to planning and integrated development of the city, and especially, on the implementation of the plans. After all, taking conjectural solutions "to deserve" is very easy, but however, to remove quickly erected "masterpieces" might not succeed.

Thus, for example, did not give the desired effect carried out in Kharkov, reconstruction of Pushkinskaya Street, as traffic jams on it (in peak hours) continue arising systematically. Similarly, tram movement for the residents of the area has been lost. And, most likely, is beyond retrieval.

Residual financing public passenger transport leads to the gradual collapse of the entire, and once, harmoniously running system of passenger traffic. Route intervals increasing, park gradually decaying and fails. New rolling stock is purchased in insufficient quantity. Gone are the past and timid attempts made to engage a coordinated system of traffic management in Kharkov. Controlled junctions to work by hard often do not match the intensity of the movement, cycles.

All this leads to the fact that during the "peak" hours, urban transport facilities operating at limit of their abilities. Despite the exorbitant penalties, does not decrease number of traffic accidents, and national economy of the country and all road users continue to bear an enormous losses.

Change of formed situation - very capital-intensive and prolonged process. And the first step in this direction upon approval the General plan of city development should be extensive field observations, analysis and preparation of urgent integrated transport scheme.

Thus, the data of field surveys conducted at the Department of Urban Development at KNAME showed that the real traffic capacity of some urban arterial roads is 2-3 times below than objective demand. Reconstructed Pushkinskaya Street, for example, in the peak hours, instead of the necessary 2000-2500 vehicles /hour (one way) allows no more than 1,000 vehicles /hour. As a result of this, average speed is below 10 km /h and on the most congested areas periodically and at all about 2-3 km / h.

Reasons for such a provision are:

- Large number of intersections;

- Short spans;

- Lack of a flexible (or at least coordinated) system of traffic management;

- Deficit of duplicate arterial roads, allowing to redistribute traffic flows;

- Lack of grade-separated road interchanges;

- Decrease in effective width of carriageway (standing close to curbstone passenger cars).

The main ways of solving listed problems currently can be:

1.The completion of an integrated transport scheme of Kharkov.

2.Analysis of current and development on its basis the new scheme of traffic management in central part of city.

3.Design a plan for a phased reconstruction of street & road network and determination amount of financing in the city budget.

4.Rigorous public and administrative control of volumes and quality of implementation of works, provided by the plan.

Report Keywords/Search Tags:
transportation problems, traffic capacity

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Submission Details: Report Abstract submitted by Oleksandr Galychyn from Ukraine on 03-Apr-2013 22:48.
Abstract has been viewed 3373 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Oleksandr Galychyn Contact Details: Email: arekusandorosu6@gmail.com

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