“the Micro-credit Program Of The Department Of Trade And Industry (dti), Its Effect On The Growth Of The Non-government Organizations (ngo’s) In Region Ii”
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Doctor in Public Administration
Institution / University: Saint Paul University, Philippines, Philippines
Published in: 1996
Dissertation Abstract / Summary:
The study sought to obtain answers to the following questions:
1] What is the profile of NGO’s before and after infusion of DTI‘s micro-credit program in terms
of the following:
1.1 Total Assets of NGO‘s
1.2 Total Liabilities of NGO‘s
1.3 Total Networth of NGO‘s
1.4 Total Revenue of NGO‘s
1.5 Total Expenses of NGO‘s
1.6 Total Number of Paid Staff
1.7 Total Number of Volunteer Staff
1.8 Total Number of Beneficiaries
1.9 Types of Microenterprises Assisted
1.10 Most Common Repayment Scheme
1.11 How Repayments are Collected
1.12 Other Charges Beside Interest
1.13 Mode of Payment of Interest
1.14 Securities Required
1.15 In What Form is Capital Build-up Contributions are made
1.16 How Savings are collected
1.17 Frequency of Savings/Capital Contribution
2] What is its Socio-economic Impact in terms of:
2.1 Investment Contribution
2.2 Employment Generation and
2.3 Export Contribution
Methods of Research and Instruments Used
The researcher dealt with the assessment of profiles of NGO’s before and after infusion of DTI fund assistance. She made use of the descriptive method of research to describe a comparison of two profiles of an NGO before and after infusion of fund assistance.
The main instrument used in the study is a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire secured the data needed to acquire a better perspective, before and after status of the NGO with the program.
The gathering of data was made possible through the retrieval of accomplished survey questionnaires by DTI provincial staff that in turn sent said questionnaires to the researcher at the DTI regional office.
Based on the data gathered and analyzed, the summary of findings on the effectiveness of the NGO’s growth and development after the infusion of funds are hereunder presented:
1] Total Assets by the NGO’s
In acquiring fund assistance or the loan from the NGO-MCP Program which ranges from P150,000.00 to P2M will definitely increase an NGO’s asset. In the last three data presented in Table 5 or Total Assets of NGO’s, a total asset ranging from P3M to P5M before the infusion of funds there were only six NGO’s who have this kind of asset but after the infusion of funds, there were already eight of the NGO’s. In the total asset range of P5M to P10M, again from only three NGO’s to ten NGO’ have this size of an asset.
And in the last data presented, the range of P10M and above, only one NGO has this level of asset before fund assistance, but three years after there were already five of them.
In other words, the funds of NGO-MCP entrusted or loaned-out to the NGO’s has a great significance on their growth as far as Assets of the Cooperatives or NGO’s are concerned.
2] Total Liabilities of NGO’s
The data presented on total liabilities of NGO’s states that the ranges of P101,000.00 to P500,000.00 and P3M to P5M total liabilities, the NGO’s involved before infusion of funds is only four and two respectively. But after the fund assistance, there was an increase to eleven and eight NGO’s respectively.
This means that acquiring a loan from the program will generally increase NGO’s liabilities and responsibilities. But this is all a part of the credit system. One NGO has to be relent to sub-borrowers, with higher interest rate in order for NGO’s to earn and can sustain its operations.
3] Total Networth of NGO’s
In the table of total networth of NGO’s presented, there were only two NGO’s who had increased their total networth from a lower value to P100,000.00. In like manner, eight NGO’ also increased their networth to the range of P3M to P5M and only four NGO’s has the total networth in the level of P5M and above.
Statistical point of view says that there is no significant difference on the infusion of the program to NGO’s networth. This was because there were nine (9) NGO’s who dramatically increased their networth but simultaneously there were also another nine (9) NGO’s that had decreased their networth during the period of assistance.
4] Total Revenues of the NGO’s
The program extended to the NGO’s has no significant effect on the NGO’s growth in so far as the revenues are concerned. The data presented in Table 8 states that among all the different ranges of revenue amounts such as: P100,000.00 and below, P101,000.00 to P5000,000.00, P501,000.00 to P1M, P1M to P3M, and P3M to P5M, not one NGO increased their revenues rather some even decreased in their revenues.
5] Total Expenses of NGO’s
As presented on the table of total expenses of NGO’s, the infusion of fund assistance to the NGO’s made a significant difference on the total expenses of the NGO’s.
The significant difference shows in the range between P501,000 to P1M, having only six (6) NGO’s before the infusion and an increase of eight (8) or a total of fourteen (14) NGO’s after the fund assistance.
The reason behind the tremendous increase in expense is due to the fact that some NGO’s diverted the loan to another project, which were not stated in their original proposals. The other projects were these NGO’s spent the fund assistance were not feasible, thus, resulted to the delay of amortization payments thereby increase their expenses specifically on additional interest and penalty charges.
6] Total Number of Paid Staff of NGO’s
One of the identified expenses of an NGO is the payment of Salaries and Wages. As far as the capability of NGO’s to pay salaries and wages of staff is concerned, the infusion of the program made a significant difference due to more NGO’s having increased in the number of staff hired with pay.
7] Total Number of Volunteer Staff
The program has no significant effect on the number of volunteer staff by NGO’s because after the infusion of the funds, very few NGO’s have volunteer staff, meaning the NGO’s have the capability to pay and even before the infusion of the program, only eighteen of the NGO’s responded a minimum of one and maximum of ten unpaid staff.
8] Total Number of Beneficiaries/Memberships of NGO’s
The program did not have any significance on the increase of beneficiaries or membership of NGO’s. As clearly presented on the table of beneficiaries/ memberships of NGO’s.
The minimal increase of memberships/beneficiaries in twenty NGO’s, which ranges from 201 to 500 has no significant meaning, in so far as the growth of NGO’s are concerned. The rest of the respondent NGO’s either maintained their existing membership or beneficiaries or even decreased from the actual number.
9] Type of Microenterprises Assisted
Several financing institutions have their own purpose of re-lending. Some extend finances or loans on housing projects, crop production, construction of commercial buildings, road projects, reforestation projects, car loan and many others. In this specific program, its purpose and objective is to help alleviate the lives of the poor or the micro beneficiaries. True enough, the program is being utilized for vending, trading, transportation services and production, but the very purpose of DTI existence is to build and create manufacturing and processing industries.
In the presentation of table 13, type of microenterprise assisted, it was noted that there had been a decrease in the number of microenterprises assisted under the sectors of agro-processing and services. But the sectors under the food processing and manufacturing had tremendously increased after the infusion of DTI’s NGO-MCP financing program.
This program therefore is very significant in so far as developing the manufacturing and processing sectors are concerned, which will lead the region to be an industrializing region by year 2000.
10] Most Common Repayment Scheme of NGO’s
This information on how NGO’s organized their repayment scheme has no significant effect on the growth of the NGO’s especially on the data presented in table 14.
11] Method of Collecting Loans
In the same manner that repayment scheme has no significant difference on the growth and development of an NGO, methods of collecting loans is also in the same boat.
12] Other Charges Collected by NGO’s
Collecting service fee and membership fee is a very regular activity of an NGO. The infusion of fund assistance to NGO’s has no significant effect on the growth of the NGO in so far as other charges to be collected by the NGO’s are concerned.
13] Mode of Interest Payment
The mode of interest payment, be it immediate deduction or at the end of the term of loan, has no significant difference on the growth and development of an NGO.
14] Securities Required by NGO’s
In the data presented, after the infusion of fund assistance, most of the NGO’s relaxed into the requirement before availing of loan, such as collaterals, the presence and signature of a co-maker and submission of promissory notes.
Hence, in what the NGO’s did, the infusion of the program did not have any significant effect on the growth of the NGO.
15] Form of Capital Build-Up Contributions Made by Members
The capital build-up or CBU can be contributed in terms of cash, in kind, or through loan retention.
The data presented, will tell us that in whatever form a CBU is contributed does not have a significant difference on the growth of the NGO.
16] Methods of Collecting Savings/CBU
The very normal way of collecting loans, CBU’s receivables and the like is through a collector. If it is the employees are indebted, then through salary deductions. Others are just co-incidental.
In any manner the NGO’s will collect their CBU’s or savings does not have a significant effect on the NGO’s growth and development.
17] Frequency of Savings/Capital Contribution
The frequency of savings or capital contribution is done as presented in table 21, more on a semi-annual, annual and most often at the release of individual loans.
But in any frequency it can be given to the NGO’s, does not have any significant difference on the development of the NGO.
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by elena tuddao from Philippines on 20-Jan-2013 11:13.
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