
A Proposed Credit Cooperative For Tabuk Provincial Government Employees: A Feasibility Study  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Master in Business Administration
Institution / University: Saint Paul University, Philippines
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

1.  Problem

                This study entitled “A Proposed Credit Cooperative for Tabuk  Provincial Government

     Employees:  A Feasibility Study” aims to explore the feasibility of putting up a credit cooperative in 

     the town of Tabuk, Kalinga-Apayao.

     Specifically, the study aims:

    1.  To present sufficient information regarding the market aspect, technical aspect, financial

          aspect, organization and management aspects and its economic and social implications.  The   

          following questions were answered to ascertain the need and viability of putting up a credit


                a.  Is there a need for the proposed project?

                b.  Are there financial institutions offering the same services and privileges as the proposed


                c.  Are the services and privileges offered by the existing financial institutions adequate?

                d.  What services and privileges will the proposed project offer?

                e.  What do the respondents think of the proposed project?

                f.  Is there a ready and adequate location for the proposed project?

                g.  Is there enough capital for the proposed project?

                h.  What organizational structure will the project adopt?

                i.  What form of business organization will it choose?

                j.  Are there qualified people to run the proposed projects?

    2.  To present a project proposal that will eventually benefit the members in particular and the

         community as a whole by giving out loans at low rates of interest and no collateral needed  and in

         easy terms of payment.


Methods  and Procedures of Analysis

                The researcher used the questionnaire and the interview methods  in gathering data for the market, technical, financial, and organization and management aspects of the study:


Summary of Findings


a.   Market Aspect

                There is an urgent need to organize a credit cooperative among the provincial government employees of Tabuk since the present and existing sources of credit are not enough to meet the needs and demands of the Tabuk  provincial government employees.  The respondents were in dire need of a credit cooperative where they can save and borrow money at a low rate of interest.  This desire is evidenced by majority of the respondents who signified their approval to the establishment of the credit cooperative and their commitment to patronize the credit cooperative should it materialize.

b.  Technical Aspect

                The temporary office of the Tabuk Credit Cooperative among the provincial employees of Tabuk shall be located  at the former KAPGEA canteen.  This is situated adjacent to the Office of the Register of Deeds and the Budget Office.  This site is provided by the KAPGEA President since at present, there is no enough fund to finance the construction of a Credit cooperative Office. 

c. Financial Aspect

1.  The projected members can raise more than the required initial capitalization of  P5,000 to register the cooperative as a full-fledged cooperative.  In shares alone the prospective members  will be able to raise P123,000.  The estimated initial financial resources of the project is P125,460 of which P123,000 will come from the members’ share of stocks and P2,460 will come from the membership fee.

2.  Analysis of the projected financial statements of the proposed cooperative shows that the project would be profitable and would give the members a modest return on their investment at an average rate of 9.4%  during its first five years of operation.

D.  Organization and Management Aspect

1.  Of the 250 respondents in the survey, 246 respondents signified their willingness to become members of the proposed credit cooperative.

2.  A modified  organizational set-up of the proposed credit cooperative is prepared based on the model by-laws as prescribed by the Cooperative Development Authority.

3.  It is evident in the survey that the majority of the respondents are professionals who would be tapped to become officers of the proposed credit cooperative.

4.  The personnel of the Cooperative Development Authority will prepare the training design of the much-needed pre-membership seminar and will also conduct a management seminar for the officers of the proposed cooperative.


E.  Implications of the Study

                The implications of the study are economic and social in nature.



                From the findings presented in this study, the researcher as well as the provincial government employees of Tabuk feel the urgent need of establishing the proposed credit cooperative.



                The researcher highly recommends the immediate implementation of the credit cooperative for the provincial government employees of Tabuk.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
cooperative, credit

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by beatriz onate from Philippines on 14-Jan-2013 11:46.
Abstract has been viewed 7670 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

beatriz onate Contact Details: Email: onate.beatriz@yahoo.com

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